PMR reads BDB

Apr 20, 2013 07:48

Well, you'll be happy to know that on the Easter holidays, while the kids were interrupting me, I couldn't do any higher thinking. So I read the first book of the Black Dagger Brotherhood. And since Thyra likes to spread her pain about, I figured I'd do some funny insights about what I learned from this book, and about SVM in the process. I'm not ( Read more... )

what the fuck is this shit, travails of the svm fandom, pmr resident philosoraptor, the psychology of violence, ch & svm is not so amateur, sexism is over hahahaha, my husband killed my fish, i thinked about svm today, my little thought dalliances, rage against the machine

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Comments 24

anonymous April 20 2013, 20:00:18 UTC
I love the blow by blow on this post. I couldn't get into this series at all. Now I am happy to knowi am not alone in feeling this way about shitty books!



peppermintyrose April 21 2013, 10:21:10 UTC
I just couldn't see the appeal of the characters, and I'm shocked at how many people laud these books as "better" than SVM. I think they must be huffing something. The story is only "How to fuck and kowtow to our King".

A couple of my close online friends have read them, so now I know what they've complained about. Lol. :D


Brain dead books smaugthedragon1 April 21 2013, 12:26:29 UTC
I've read about three quarters of the first one and then my brain imploded. Not sexy/entertaining at all. If I need to veg out there is always TV or watching the cat clean his arse, hey it may even be educational! The levels of misogyny in the BDB books is at an all time high, I like your take on them.


Re: Brain dead books peppermintyrose April 21 2013, 12:53:36 UTC
Lol - that was me with Twilight. But that was because the grammar was freaking awful. It had a triple negative at one stage. I just couldn't read past the meadow scene.

As for TV, well I had to endure the Playstation3 being plugged into the TV, and if I didn't want to throw up (thanks to first person shooters) then I had to look elsewhere.

The misogyny is pretty bad. I mean, which side to choose? The now sexually non-functional rapists who murder, or the killing brothers who rape? It was such a toss up who to give my love to! Or it could be the women who rave on and on about how freaking wonderful the men are.

Although, when I informed Mr. Minty of the names yesterday (we Wikipedia'd it) he suggested "Creehpy", "Shcary", "Misoghyny" and other fun and cool names. :D


Re: Brain dead books azucar69 April 21 2013, 16:42:41 UTC

The stoopid "h"

I cant.



Re: Brain dead books peppermintyrose April 22 2013, 10:08:14 UTC
Lol - and it was even worse. One of our choices for viewing material that night was "Mr. & Mrs. Murder", which we pronounced with an extra "H". :D


elbly April 21 2013, 21:35:53 UTC
A while back I asked my FB friends for suggestions on books with good, strong female leads - someone recommended BDB! I didn't believe her.

I'd heard so many people go on about how HAWT these dudes were meant to be, and I just couldn't cope with the hawtness. I don't particularly want to read porn - I want a story, so I avoided like the plague.

Your diagrams though... thank you! My computer screen needed a clean, which it has now had after I spat the water I was drinking all over it.

All I'm left to say is...

OMG! HAWT! Can't wait for the next chapter!


peppermintyrose April 22 2013, 10:13:03 UTC
"Strong female leads" just seems to mean nothing nowadays. It's become a catchphrase that people don't understand, but just randomly apply to shit.

To be honest, there was less porn than I was expecting, but it was all that sort of lady porn - you know, about how the orgasms he has are wonderful, and she's mostly a hole to masturbate into. Much like the permaboner list, but not quite so consistently gross - it vagued it up quite a few times.


No next chapter. I've been a good girl all year. I don't deserve that kind of Torhment or Torhture (both character names in this piece of dross).


elbly April 22 2013, 10:56:16 UTC
Well the books I've sent you a recommendations for do seem to have a "strong female lead" with other reasonably well fleshed out female characters (and male) and if you can cope with the randomness of some stuff being hinted at (they're mysteries) and other stuff being explained in minute detail, then they're worth a look.

It's so sad that so many women DO seem to just want to be a glorious hole. I was looking at Kate Middleton as was in the paper the other day and thinking how sad it is that a promising young woman has been manufactured into a glorified baby making clothes horse by both the media and Clarence House.

I didn't mean a next chapter of BDB, I meant a next chapter of PMR ramblings... I wouldn't inflict the pain of another BDB book on my worst enemy! (well... Maybe if that person was a literary buff and I REALLY didn't like them...)


peppermintyrose April 23 2013, 11:17:00 UTC
I put them on the list. You've got a few books ahead of you.

It's kinda sickening that that's her sole purpose in life. It seems pretty damn antiquated, and I can't believe they still do all those tests on virginity. Yuck.

Oh, well that should be out relatively soon. We've only got a few days to go. EXCITING! And recommending something like BDB to anyone like that may result in a death (yours or theirs). Twilight still has it beat. BDB grammar is good, whereas Twilight has the cardboard cut out *and* bad grammar.


Your public service anonymous April 24 2013, 10:50:17 UTC
Sooo…I don’t have to read this series, and can shelve it away in my head as ridiculously stupid. (Thank you for that.)

I’m 5’6.5” (I hear you on that half inch!) to Mr. MNM’s 6.’ I have no trouble reaching his lips, but I don’t know how the hell I’d get in his face and surprise him without bumping heads or noses. And these vampires don’t sound like finessing sports, what with those massive shoulders and parkour tendencies (lol!)…so…not good for surprise kissing unless you’re quick with the dodge on your flipper feet.

Hyperbole orgasm just makes me giggle. That’s why I love Sookie’s irreverence in the bedroom. I’d much rather try to imagine what gave her that cramped thigh than read about them floating off the bed, shutting down the electrical grid, or interfering w/ other folks going about their daily life. (That’s just rude.) And how do you top it? It gets ridiculous-er and ridiculous-er.


Re: Your public service peppermintyrose April 25 2013, 04:57:56 UTC
It is quite ridiculously stupid, really.

Half an inch - or even your whole inch - makes all the difference. I am envious of your increased height. But yeah - with these guys, they'd be liable to smash your face in.

Man, I have been wondering about the whole cramped thigh thing for ages. Lol. And I read someone once give CH a good laugh because they were speculating when Eric and Sookie had sex in DAG, I think, and Eric speaks in a foreign language that he was saying "I have a cramp in my leg". Lol.

They do get ridiculouser and even more ludicrous. Some of the extent that they go to is silly. I've read about the roars and screams fine, but when they start to effect the physical world merely from their orgasm? Lol.


Dhisbelief and Dhisappointment... anonymous April 26 2013, 16:11:29 UTC
I just can't believe you are dhissing these quality books?!? You, of all people.... Okay I couldn't really get that out without laughing....loudly ( ... )


Re: Dhisbelief and Dhisappointment... peppermintyrose April 26 2013, 20:35:29 UTC
We were adding stupid H's to words for days after reading the character list and giggling. So silly ( ... )


Re: Dhisbelief and Dhisappointment... anonymous April 26 2013, 21:09:56 UTC
Really its a bad mismatch of all different parts of what some people like in a romance novel. The hero's a king (cause who doesn't like royalty and entitlement especially when its unearned and at first unwanted), he's a vampire (cause vamps are hot and mysterious), he's larger than life (apparently by law the hero must be), lives in a castle with servants and dines on fine china. But don't let that fool you into thinking he's a pansied-ass sissy, no sir he's tough and a fighter. He lives in denial and drudgery until he sees HER. They fall in lhove, bhone and cue the HEA mhusic. Sigh ( ... )


Re: Dhisbelief and Dhisappointment... peppermintyrose April 26 2013, 21:22:57 UTC
HHHEA. You need some extra H's for that sort of ending. But yes - he's sort of like a market research aggregated love interest. Who cares if he's possible? He just needs to have enough vaguery for the reader to latch onto.

Whe shoulhd reahlly ahdd extrha ahight's tho ehevery whord. That was extremely hard to type and nigh on incomprehensible. And since I just watched "The Dictator", she should totally try a new character called "Mhaximum Occupahncy" or something like that.

Well, most of these rheaders wail that they don't want rheal lihfe. They want the fantasy. I can't think of anything more boring myself. I'm sure I could have a perfect life in a perfect world, but then that just makes me more dissatisfied with my real life.

Just make sure you go back and watch people losing their freaking minds, after you've read the book. :D If you like heap-big internet drama, it's spinning out of control. :D

Clearly lhaugh is the superior spelling *and* character. Although he probably should be called Rhape With Mhanic Ghrin and Lhaugh.


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