Title: Mutual Victory
Author: Pepper
Rating: NC-17
Wordcount: 765
Featured Character(s): Jack, Sara
Pairing: Jack/Sara
A/N: Written for
Porn Battle VII, posted
here -
Unfold. Reposting to my LJ for archiving.
She likes to test her endurance against him. )
Comments 8
It's so perfectly *them* in so many ways. I love that she's learning judo (on his suggestion) and that she can, somewhat, hold her own against him and I love that he loves that. And all the phrasing - "rediscover her breasts" and being impressed she can speak full sentences.
GUH Just. GUH! The love and the playfulness and the mutual respect and the lust and
I have told you how much I LOVE when you write these two, right?
I am a firm believer in Jack/Sara (if not for Charlie) and this fic is partly why. Lovely.
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