Title: A Strange and Unpredicted Event
Author: Pepper
Rating: G
Wordcount: 1060
Featured Character(s): Daniel, Sam, Sam's sense of humour.
Summary: About a quarter of Daniel's on-base time was spent in the labs with Sam...
A/N: Happy birthday
aurora_novarum! Further notes at the end...
A Strange and Unpredicted Event )
Comments 9
The really best part is that I can totally picture this whole thing, from Sam's distraction as she sets it up, to Daniel's good-natured resignation, to the pirouette--it's perfect. *grins*
See...like I mentioned in London I've not really been in the fic-reading mood recently. But I came across this one while scanning my flist and thought, "Well, it's Pepper's (and it's not about Jack and Sara), so surely I'll like it."
And I did. :)
As usual, you've got some great humor (sorry, humour) nuggets sprinkled throughout, which have me laughing here in the computer lab at school. *g*
Thank you
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