Title: Surprise!!!
Rating: Unsure, but I think it's NC-17
Show: LHDP
Pairing: Me and your Grandma! (She's VERY experienced)
Spoilers: None
Summary: I'm shit at summaries, (And titles) But, um, it's Silvia's birthday. The rest, just read it.
A/N- This story is dedicated to
girlechicky2k because she gave me this idea and my mind ate it up! It's such a brilliant idea!!! And hopefully I execute it well. Thanks Chicky hun! Oh, and this has nothing to do with the story or why I'm writing it, or... anything really, but I was eating an Oreo today and you know those commercials where they like, twist it open and then lick the white stuff and then put it back together and dunk it in their milk for a sec? Like, what's the point? You barely taste the cream and then the 1sec you dunk it in the milk it doesn't soften the cookie. It's just pointless. Stupid commercial.
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