So the only output device I have for this Arduino board is a blinky light. So I whipped together some code that outputs morse code through it
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How long would you say it would take a tech dummy to teach himself C++? I remember jack from DeVry, it got pushed out by all the information on how to make myself the next Elron Hubbard.
As always, it depends on the source material and the tools you have at hand.
It'd be easier to start with a language like Python or Ruby. Not only are those a little more forgiving, but they have an immediate mode that you can play around in, like the old 8-bit BASICs had. You can even try them in a browser: or
Also, Java has aged gracefully, and Head First Java was how I learned it. (They touched on it at DeVry but I'd forgotten it all by the time I picked this book up.)
Yeah, but I strictly want to learn for the sole purpose of Arduino. I mean it seems like every nifty hack in circuit bending uses it, as well as quite a few of the repurposing 8 bit stuff into synths.
Well, the starter kit I got has some type-in programs you should be able to learn from. You won't need any enterprise-level C++ with crazy object-oriented design to do what needs to be done.
If you don't want to risk any money, you can download Processing; the IDE and language is the same, but you can write desktop and web programs with it. It's full of tutorials and examples.
Comments 4
It'd be easier to start with a language like Python or Ruby. Not only are those a little more forgiving, but they have an immediate mode that you can play around in, like the old 8-bit BASICs had. You can even try them in a browser: or
Also, Java has aged gracefully, and Head First Java was how I learned it. (They touched on it at DeVry but I'd forgotten it all by the time I picked this book up.)
If you don't want to risk any money, you can download Processing; the IDE and language is the same, but you can write desktop and web programs with it. It's full of tutorials and examples.
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