
Feb 19, 2013 18:54

My laptop broke a week or so ago so I've been even less on the web than usual. I had been wanting to do another reversebang, but it looks like that will be dependant on how well this PS Touch thing works on the android tablet I bought as a substitute laptop (rather than bringing the cintiq to a foreign country).

ANYWAY. I will be abroad again for a few months, this time for work, so that means it is postcard time again. If you would like a postcard with doodles on it (some better than others- why can't real life have ctrl + z?), please leave your address and a little ramble about favorite fandoms, animals, time periods, genres, etc. Fair warning it's just ss likely to be a doodle about where I went today as anything fannish.

Comments are screened (just checked the ticky box for those of you who remember some of the other times I've made that claim prematurely).

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