WIP--Planet Megalodon Wraith Defense Force

Feb 05, 2006 18:53

Edit: this story is now complete.

When I posted this to sga_flashfic, I promised to have it done by the end of the week. Except, I missed finals for a funeral, and at the promised delivery date I was actually studying madly not to fail Classical Dynamics. I am a no good, horrible liar, and I will never post unfinished flashfic again ( Read more... )


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Comments 11

ltlj February 6 2006, 03:33:36 UTC
I love the idea of the bridges, that's really a cool image. And the giant shark head on the fake village, and the whole fake village itself. Can't wait to see the rest!


pentapus February 6 2006, 03:40:22 UTC
Since I'm sitting here twitching in anticipation of more "Hunting Parties", I hope you suffer too--I mean, uh. Thanks! I'm working on it.

Uh. That wasn't supposed to sound threatening.


ltlj February 8 2006, 03:10:03 UTC
Yay, we're suffering together! And no, that didn't sound threatening. :)


not_sally February 6 2006, 07:46:02 UTC
Wow, really loving it so far.


pentapus February 6 2006, 20:08:44 UTC


tingler February 6 2006, 16:50:13 UTC
Y'know, it was just, like, *yesterday* that I was thinking "What happened to that really cool story with the black plastic stuff that Rodney kept touching Sheppard with and making him pass out? 'Cause that was shaping up to be really cool." (apparently my inner voice has a limited vocab.)

And, lo, there it is!

And, d'oh, I forgot it was a WIP while I was reading it! Aaaaugggh!!

Want more!

“If you do that again,” Sheppard said mildly when he woke up the second time, only a moment later.

Is my favorite line, out of many, 'cause I can hear Shep saying that. *g*

Also, I can so see Rodney hearing "So long" instead of "We'll meet up at the gate." I just hope that they can get out of this new fix. (Any time now. I have had plenty of suspense now, thankyoukindly.)


pentapus February 6 2006, 20:14:22 UTC
*laughs* Glad I had the right timing. Thanks!

And, d'oh, I forgot it was a WIP while I was reading it! Aaaaugggh!!

I would like to point to all the class work I got done while I was putting this off, but that would a shameful lie. >_>


marycrawford February 17 2006, 20:45:18 UTC
Hey! Here via ltlj to say that I really, really want to know what happens next. That thing Rodney uses to make Sheppard pass out, and the OMG what am I doing? angst just hit me in the gut.

Except Rodney heard, So long, Rodney, and--there was just no fucking way.

Love that.

Also the bridges are beautiful, someone please film that right now!


pentapus February 17 2006, 21:53:12 UTC
Thank you! When I first pictured the faint-machine, I thought, "Aw, that's adorable," and also: "You freak, no it's not!" The dilemma it presented to Rodney during the escape snuck up on me, which may be why I like it so much.


ratcreature March 6 2006, 07:01:41 UTC
I'm really enjoying this so far. And I'm very curious now how things will play out, you have me hooked. Also your story cracked me up several times, with great lines like this one "Colonel, we are on a world where the entire existence of the military is as highly-trained undercover suicide farmers.” :)


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