meme: two for one, distract me from my impending performance anxiety

Apr 21, 2008 09:09

Job interview today! Calm is so overrated. My usual distraction tactic--prompt memes--is troublesome as I've racked up quite the fannish to-do list already. (On that note: paintedspires should start posting today, once one of our four assigned artists gets the nerve to be the first to post. :P)

Ok, ok, meme, let's make one up.

here is the index of my fic, ( Read more... )


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Comments 16

astridv April 21 2008, 17:09:19 UTC
(On that note: paintedspires should start posting today, once one of our four assigned artists gets the nerve to be the first to post. :P)

If they wait much longer, I could actually beat them to it... my slot starts in a couple hours... :)


pentapus April 21 2008, 17:25:12 UTC
Hahaha. I was thinking of you, like, "Huh, did we not give astridv the first day? She would have been on that, stat." XD


clear_as_blood April 21 2008, 17:10:49 UTC
once one of our four assigned artists gets the nerve to be the first to post. :P
I'm actually about to post there now. (I had a minor freakout/panic moment this morning 'cause Image Shack was done, but everything seems to be fine now.)

Also, I pretty much enjoy all your work (even in fandoms I don't know) so I can't really choose. But I did love The Running Man so more comics with the team would be fun.


pentapus April 21 2008, 17:30:58 UTC
Haha, no worries. We actually weren't at all concerned about lagging posters, but didn't anticipate that the first day was the only day when we might want to have a timely start. I am looking forward to these scrapbook excerpts you have promised, though!

As for SGA comics, there are some in the works, actually. Possibly involving a tried and true SGA fanon trope.


ratcreature April 21 2008, 17:12:44 UTC
I want to know more about your Athosian!John. What does he think of the expedition? Does he think they really have a chance against the Wraith? Does he feel welcome? Or on a lighter note, how long did it take John to convince them that he should be allowed to try one of the puddlejumpers?

Also, good luck for your interview!


pentapus April 21 2008, 22:54:37 UTC
The trick is whether to swap the ATA and Jedi mind tricks, and I lean towards yes. 1) interesting, 2) difficult to explain Wraith genes on Earth ( ... )


ratcreature April 22 2008, 07:07:05 UTC
Yeah, it is true that John with Teyla's Wraith mind powers would be interesting. And I really like your take on how growing up in Pegasus would affect him.


mecurtin April 21 2008, 19:57:55 UTC
omg Highlander/SGA! *grabby hands* Can Immies in general use Ancient tech? What happens when Methos (linguist, *duh*) encounters McKay? Sparks of some kind are sure to fly, me thinks.


pentapus April 22 2008, 14:01:57 UTC
McKay vs. Methos. That's a comment I see a lot, unsurprisingly! Honestly, I don't think Methos would have a lot of interest in McKay. I don't see them with much chemistry, angry or otherwise. McKay is often not so much an asshole as he is childlike and inexperienced people-wise, and Methos is very, very old. I don't think he'd find McKay's behavior threatening or particularly interesting--transparent, predictable--though he'd recognize McKay's genius. (As opposed to Sheppard, who I totally buy as having some kind of immediate ornery fondness for McKay.) Sheppard, as head of the military and a bit of a bizarre unpredictable guy, would be a threat, and so he'd be a no-go, as far as Methos actively avoiding him. I think Methos would like Teyla a lot (basically, he'd be looking at her the way the fans do, rather than the writers, ha!).

Ronon would be--amusing to him. Because his main threat is the physical, and while he definitely is physically dangerous, physical danger is something Methos is well prepared to handle--whether by running ( ... )


smittywing April 21 2008, 22:24:30 UTC
There MUST BE MORE. ;)


pentapus April 21 2008, 22:43:18 UTC
How about this, you get reccea to write Joe Dawson/Adam Pierson, and I'll draw you whatever you want.


smittywing April 21 2008, 22:45:05 UTC
She's totally my bitch. We can make arrangements.



pentapus April 21 2008, 22:56:17 UTC


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