February Festival, Day 29

Feb 29, 2012 19:32

I have-inevitably-spent far more of today than I would have liked working on the programme for our imminent show. There are *always* last-minute issues, always. And I have to go out in a little while and go over the proof with someone, because for reasons passing understanding she wasn't able to download it from my Sendspace link.

Oh well.

Last day of the February Festival thing, and it is of course a story with a great ending.

I found it hard to figure out what to pick-because really, so many great endings in popslash, and I dunno, I couldn't think of one that was spectacularly better than anything else.

But I was reminded of how much I enjoy Summer on the Half Shell: Love Tastes Like Lemon Ice Cream When You're Not Paying Attention, a crossovery tale in which Lance and Nick have a relationship and Justin and AJ develop one, and along the way Backstreet re-learn the art of physical contact.

Of my own, I think I have to nominate for this world to be unbroken, with thanks again to
nopseud for poking at the plot holes until they went away.

And that's my lot, for now! I hope those of you who've been playing along will catch up, because it's been such fun revisiting familiar stories and occasionally being pointed at something I don't remember reading before. Rec on!

This entry was also posted at http://pensnest.dreamwidth.org/372677.html. Please comment at Dreamwidth if you can-you don't need an account.

recs, february festival 2012

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