February Festival Day 23

Feb 23, 2012 16:20

This time, you're looking for a crossover with an unfamiliar fandom-one you didn't know when you read the story.

I read Poptarts In Atlantis by Torch because it was a DWNOGA story in 2005. I'd seen a few Stargate Atlantis icons dotted around LiveJournal, but hadn't read any fic or seen any of the episodes, so for me, the Atlantis environment basically functioned like a really well-realised AU with excellent characters (I very much liked McKay). The link above is chaptered and there are several subsequent stories using the same 'verse. A few other people have done popslash/SGA crossovers too, and all that I've read have been fun.

It's difficult to write a crossover with a fandom you don't know; I did it with Bouquet, but I've already used that one, so how about The Joy and the Colour which introduced me to Mika. Thank you, Ephemera!

In other news, I think it's Spring! It was positively *warm* out when I went for my singing lesson. Didn't actually get a singing lesson, as my teacher didn't so much cancel at the last minute (like last time) as just didn't show up. Oh well.

This entry was also posted at http://pensnest.dreamwidth.org/370451.html. Please comment at Dreamwidth if you can-you don't need an account.

recs, february festival 2012

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