One of the Best Reading Lists Ever

Nov 22, 2014 12:53

I think I'm going to be busy, busy, busy until approximately December 21st. One day before then, I will write up a recap of my trip to and interview in Texas. Today is not that day. However, today is the day I link to the best reading lists I've come across in a long while. It's from the fail_fandomanon meme on DW, which sometimes produces terrific ( Read more... )

reading list, books are sexy

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Comments 2

daasgrrl November 22 2014, 22:33:11 UTC
LOLing at the Australian commentary "and something by Patrick White, who I haven't read". 100% accurate. Although I was once forced to study one of his plays, and literally boycotted it in disgust - I even cut classes while we were doing it, which is the most defiant I ever got in 13 years of schooling *g*

I would say that the Australian responders in that thread skew very young/modern, although not a bad thing, since the books mentioned reflect both indigenous and multicultural perspectives. However, I'd say classic 'canonical' Australian literature is really the (white, European) bush poets - Banjo Paterson, Henry Lawson. And everyone continues to learn Dorothea Mackellar's "My Country" (or at least its second verse) whether they really want to or not.


msavi November 23 2014, 00:37:12 UTC
::le sigh:: I remember when I had enough "me" time for reading things more substantial than Time magazine. :(


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