
Jul 21, 2014 21:14

Title: Erised
Characters: Sherlock Holmes, John Watson
Pairing: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson
Rating: General
Links: Ao3 | DeviantArt | Tumblr
Notes: Sherlock Holmes stumbled upon the Mirror of Erised in his first year at Hogwarts; he stumbled upon his best friend, John Watson, in his third. Caught up in the excitement of experiments, spells and ( Read more... )

teenlock, potterlock, sherlock fanart, johnlock

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Comments 15

venturous1 July 21 2014, 19:58:53 UTC
oh, they are so adorable. John particularly is sweet - innocent. Sherlock is prematurely wise, of course.


pennswoods July 21 2014, 20:28:04 UTC
I really do like how John came out here. I based this on an edit that I am not linking to because it's one of those things that's improperly credited and sort of shunned by a number of folks on Tumblr so I don't want to draw more attention to it.


drinkingcocoa July 21 2014, 20:25:02 UTC
So! Gryffindor John? Do tell!


pennswoods July 21 2014, 21:17:52 UTC
Are you ready for a long answer? I'm going to do this in two parts because my reply exceeded the character limit ( ... )


pennswoods July 21 2014, 21:18:16 UTC
And here's the rest ( ... )


pennswoods July 21 2014, 21:20:16 UTC
So as a result of me finding him more Gryffindor-like in S3, I felt comfortable giving a nod to this in this piece of fanart here. And that is my full answer!

Does that work for you?


(The comment has been removed)

pennswoods July 21 2014, 21:21:13 UTC
Feels so good to draw House scarves again!


pern_dragon July 21 2014, 21:57:21 UTC
Oh, I love all the different shades in their hair--it gives it such richness that, for me, is trademark YOU. Lovely, darlin, as always! <3


jaradel July 22 2014, 00:36:42 UTC
Oh this is lovely!


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