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Comments 69

coolnat466 November 9 2010, 23:41:39 UTC

Haha yeaaahhhhh, I saw him in SPEC2!

I'm waiting for the 2nd episode, because it's super weird,
and I've no idea how the story will goes on XD


Erika is awesome again XD
But yeah, I'm the only one in her fandom lol XD


peniko November 12 2010, 19:42:13 UTC
the second ep sub takes so long xDDDD but indeed it is a dorama that you should watch with subs anyway =____=

Erika is awesome again XD
But yeah, I'm the only one in her fandom lol XD

she's extremely awesome! xDD i mean, seriously, she's a good actress x3 she's better than she was in ryusei no kizuna


coolnat466 November 12 2010, 20:19:29 UTC

Ohhhh really? O_O
You like my Erika? O_O

...Really O_O?????????????????????,


It's so rare to find someone who likes her somehow T.T
That's why I'm surprised LOL

Ahh, I'm happy XD My friennnnd XD
Let's support my Erika XD (Yes, she's mine too XD)
But I like her in Ryuusei no Kizuna too T_T
I love Shizuna x Mr Post-it XD


peniko November 12 2010, 22:06:52 UTC
Erika is lovable in SPEC, i cannot resist not to like her xDDD

It's so rare to find someone who likes her somehow T.T
:O really? yeaa, i think so too.maybe It's because she act with a lot of JE guys ^^;;

and you know what? Erika in Ryusei really looks like Nino 8DD that's why first I thought Ryo Nishiki's character is the one that is not blood related.

Let's support erika mentaly, lol

jfbskjgbksjrbgkjsrbgkbs POST-IT guy!!!!!!!!!!!!! where are you?!! xDD


boohaysaging November 10 2010, 03:24:46 UTC
oohh the restless movie looks interesting :)


peniko November 12 2010, 19:43:57 UTC
looks like it ne :'D hopefully it IS hollywood movie |D if it's catagorized as an indie movie, you can barely see it =____= at least in jakarta you can see japanese/indie movies in blitz in central park


k1ru November 10 2010, 04:02:46 UTC

Aren't they discontinued the distribution? For Mamiya, I mean. GO GET SUPERHEADZ DUUUUDE. Their camera wasn't that awesome of a quality but I love their models |D u mau ngambil yang mana pen? Yang Wide Slim Lens? Bukan kan? xD


peniko November 12 2010, 20:02:43 UTC
*calling Kase* kase-san, another girl is coming on the line xDD *gw ikutan*

Mamiya :O gw ga tau tuh masi produksi apa nggak. tapi yang Mamiya 645 Pro TL keliatannya moden banget. mereka model-nya ga banyak. tapi yg murah aja hasil foto-nya itu *_________*
hahaha xD itu gara2 lu promosiin superheadz ke gw xDD yg wideslim gw nunggu warna ijo biar matching sm sweater gw.


k1ru November 13 2010, 07:55:35 UTC
/get in line
結婚しよう,加瀬さん!♥ (bener ato nggak tulisannya idk, idc lol |D)

oh iya, ada depthnya, mayan juga. g coba google tulisannya pada bilang itu udah nggak diproduksi lol tapi g gak tau bener ato nggak, barang vintage bukan sih itu?
udah, cat sendiri aja, pen, beli yang putih xDDDD


peniko November 15 2010, 20:30:39 UTC
gw ga bisa mengkanji ru, jadi ga tau xD gyaboooooooo!~!!!!!! jangan dijaka kawin dulu. gw ikutaaaannnn tak apalah dimadu yg penting sama om kase *sinetron abis*

itu slr sih si mamiya. jadi lens-nya bisa ganti2. gw baru denger dari lu malah ga diproduksi lagi :| ternyata bener.
barang taon 60an xD gara2 camera asahi, si mamiya jadi bangkrut.

udah, cat sendiri aja, pen, beli yang putih xDDDD
ide yg bagus *________* asal lu bisa jamin itu ga rusak sih xD


ichaa November 10 2010, 11:24:45 UTC
SPEC bagus ga sih pen? ttg apa sih?


peniko November 12 2010, 20:04:38 UTC
seru! kalo lu suka BOSS ato Mr.Brain lu bakal suka ini 8D tentang 3orang detektif yg nanganin kasus2 aneh gitu. si boss-nya kaya bapak2 yg selingkuh gitu, si Toda punya IQ 200+ nyaris kaya orang gila , and si Ryo kaya polisi strict gitu, dia ga bisa kena tembak, lol


nienju November 10 2010, 11:51:10 UTC
gw juga demen spec!
ahh tinggal nunggu mbak aoi yuu maen dorama lagi deh. aku rinduuu


peniko November 12 2010, 20:05:25 UTC
DDD: itu si aoi *sok kenal* kan maen movie sama okada masaki kayanya seru banget tuh (AKA romantis)


nienju November 14 2010, 03:25:10 UTC
iya nih mana sub speeeecc ah lama bener eke nungguinnya
yang muvi jadul yak? aduuh pengen juga naek kuda sama okada masaki


peniko November 15 2010, 20:32:47 UTC
bnaget! Dx yg sub pertama-nya aja kaya setengah hati nge-sub-nya D: udah nonton RAW aja. entar kalo ada sub-nya keluar nonton lagi *keburu belenek*

aduuh pengen juga naek kuda sama okada masaki
xD lu bagian naek kuda, gw bagian lari2 di padang bunga sama kang Masaki ya


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