sai-saigo-go-go, ore go-go

Jan 12, 2010 01:07

Happy happy belated birthday to our dear ichaa and mugenteki. Sorry for this late graphics. I can see each of you got wonderful birthday presents already, so now maybe i will just wish you alot of success in the future >D   *I'm sending sho and nino by post, it will arrive in a few months*
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dorama, random

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Comments 35

hakka_candy January 12 2010, 01:45:50 UTC
I am so for that new OTP! *___* I kept being reminded of how well Nino acts. Even though I know he's brilliant, it gets to me every time. |D And also, the hijackers mention that they had accomplices so that's how they did it. XD I got a little confused too!

I'd have to watch it again for Ohno's colleague, I think he had experience in other buildings or something? I don't remember @@;; it was really nice how he built trust in Ohno so soon, though. Especially for the ending. :D

There were a lot of loopholes in the drama, lol. Like how the victims and the police acted, I mean seriously. Do your job, policemen! Haha.


peniko January 12 2010, 21:11:24 UTC
yesh for rare OTP xD
I kept being reminded of how well Nino acts
i'm so gonna remember him acting angry again xD that's the best part he can do.

the hijackers mention that they had accomplices so that's how they did it. XD
so that's how it was xDDD it's reallt tricky sometimes, but now your saying made it more clear to me 8DD the long conversation at the security room with the boss is also hard to understand \@______\@

that old man is really nice x3 first i mistook him as the terorist because of his skills.

I mean seriously. Do your job, policemen! Haha.
that's so true xDD they police was just too busy running,lol


ichaa January 12 2010, 03:43:32 UTC

actually gw uda menyangka kok ttg saigo ini, pelaku nya yang gw prediksikan ternyata bener, gw blom nonton nih. haha!
cuman ternyata lagu sora takaku bagus juga, hahahaha!

gw lagi kesemsem ama Kanjani 8 nihhhhh~ *random abis


peniko January 12 2010, 21:13:47 UTC
ternyata dugaan l bener ya *__________* gw malah mikir tadinya mereka mati semua, lol. *dramatis abis, sumpah* tapi ternyata nggak.
iya ya xD lagunya lumayan. kaya remarkable campur 5x10

bah, bukannya l dah kesemsem sama kanjani dari dulu? merambat lagi ya virus fandomnya 8D hahahha


ichaa January 13 2010, 01:37:44 UTC
wah gw mikir kok ga ada gregetnya? ahh pasti arashi yang jahatnya nih!
gitu deh pemikiran gw. dan cm nya sangat tidak menjanjikan! haha
gw cuma suka pas bagian "so 1 2 3 4 5 kyoo mo" udah itu aja

emang pas lagunya buat ending song.
iya nih lagi merambat lagi! khususnya yoko
dan malah makin sedih karna kanjani sekarang rada jadi arashi-ish! hiks


peniko January 15 2010, 07:51:44 UTC
ga malah berharap salah satu ato semuanya mati gitu biar kaya mimpi arashi pertama gw xDD thriller banget.
l cuma suka lagunya toh, hahahah

kanjani denger2 lebih dork dari arashi ya? :O maksud l gimana jadi kaya arashi? xD


k1ru January 12 2010, 04:43:15 UTC
Peniko bb tell me why I am not excited for this SP ; 3; I dont even have the motivation to download this drama like I always did before hahaw D: menurut u bagus gak sih ini sp? sumpah g gak napsu banget ngeliatnya, dari trailernya aja keknya geje xD

tapi tapi ada Fujiki Naohito D:


peniko January 12 2010, 21:21:20 UTC
xD gw terpaksa nonton ini soalnya gw ga ada tontonan laen, lol. dan spoiler dimana2 *_______* mending gw nonton aja daripada kespoil.
gw tau ru, kenapa l ga napsu...bener kata l, trailernya emang rada geje -_____- cinematographynya biasa abis. dan l tau kan, dari promo photoshootnya aja udah ketauan, kalo ni SP rada nyuguhin fanservicenya xD hahaha.

menurut gw banyak kejanggalan, n endingnya rada maksa, demo ..... daripada penasaran sama fujiki naohito, nonton aja ru ;______; ga ikhlas gitu kedengerannya xD


k1ru January 13 2010, 15:09:20 UTC
MAKANYA KAMU ONLINE DI MSN G KASIH TONTONAN BANYAK dengan kata laen g mencoba menarik lo ke bias baru g lmao /kabur oh ya banyak spoiler ya o Ao kenapa g gak sadar xD g udah berasa kayak setaon belom nonton arashi, padahal baru kurang lbih sebulan xD
IYA KAN! Isinya fanservice semua D: kenapa dia orang harus maen SP kek gitu D: they're overpopular and everyone likes to take photograph or filming them but most of them have no concept I am so sad D: Am not proud of arashi being popular D: padahal pikanchi lucu banget, tapi ngeliat ini keknya standard sinetron murahan gitu /jahat

LMAO g gak sesuka itu sama dia sampe g penasaran liat dia disitu sih. nunggu ada yang maksa g dulu aj ah baru nonton xDDDD


peniko January 16 2010, 23:02:10 UTC
hahaha xD gw sampe heran kenapa sampe sekarag gw blom DL msn lagi, lol. gw mau nyoba liar game since l juga nonton 8D tapi gw kudu mulai dari seri satu dulu kali ya....

they're overpopular and everyone likes to take photograph or filming them but most of them have no concept
inget video fangirls yg di stasiun kan? xDD parah tu,mungkin kalo gw disana gw juga jadi kek mereka.hahahaha. iya ih, fotonya udah kaya serius banget gitu kan, judulnya udah kaya hidup dan mati gitu. ternyata SPnya ga seseru yg gw kira....-_____- masih mending kiiroi no namida.
oh iya pikanchi xDD tu movie gw pikir2 mirip2 gitu ya sama kisarazu.


hiromisky January 12 2010, 04:58:49 UTC

you seem to really have enjoyed it, ne?
I still have to watch the SP but I am hearing it's quite good!


peniko January 12 2010, 21:22:58 UTC
you seem to really have enjoyed it, ne?
yup xD and it's been a while since we see arashi play together in a lay right? xD

well, it's good enough :D i hope the sub will come soon


coolnat466 January 12 2010, 22:31:59 UTC
Ahhhh, sorry, I didn't read all your post T-T
I'm always afraid when I click on LJ-cut actually XD
Afraid of spoils XD

But it was nice of you to warn before ne XD
Cause many friends don't warn before spoiling me key parts of movies, dramas etc XD XD

Ahhh, I'm waiting for subs of Saigo no Yakusoku~

I say this, but actually... I haven't watched the Johnnys COuntdown yet é_è


And it was subbed!
And it's already in my computer!

I've no excuse ne T_T

I'll do harakiri éoè


peniko January 15 2010, 07:44:56 UTC
no problem xD i didn't put the entire spoiler anyway :'D just a small points which leads you to the real spoiler, lol. just kidding.
don't read if you havent watch >D

aaaahhh D: i havent watch JE countdown :| i want to see TOKIO.. it was sub? :O where?


coolnat466 January 16 2010, 01:57:48 UTC
It was subbed by newshfan :D

She's so fast o_o!
I really admire her lol



peniko January 16 2010, 15:14:14 UTC
she's fast indeed xD
thanks for the link btw :'D i'll download it


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