>8D RIIDA FAN! THAT'S ME! >xD I'll be older than Riida for a few months ;_; lol <3 Thanks for the indirect tribute hahaha
I forced my sister to watch arashi with me, she said: that ohno, he looks like an 'high and mighty me' type of person. I'm like really? xDD People say the same about me, since I don't talk and seem unapproachable but I'm nice xP xD
next week we can talk for a whole week! I won't have work! 8D
for a few months is ok xDDD i was thinking about who will be my banner, but i remember your b;day then xDD i almost want to use aiba 8D
People say the same about me, since I don't talk and seem unapproachable but I'm nice xP xD hahaha xD i'm thinking about that alot too, like quite people sometimes looks arrogant D< people missjudge ne
at last! you have a break xDDD i hope it's happen more often >3
whoa, 'high and mighty me' xD pertama kali temen g ngeliat dia malah langsung 'ih dia umur berapa sih? paling kecil ya? kok lucu dia begitu?' LOL. hmm rambutnya riida emang keliatan beda ya pas ans kemaren =/ tapi ans kan udah lama direcord *nunjuk rambutnya jun* tuh baru keluar rambut 'smile'nya dia xD trus nino bodoh! xP dilempar begitu sedotannya xD
OKAASAN YAMETE! sumpah itu kalimat geje abis, mana ada musical begitu? jangan cuci celananya bokap bareng2? lol kan kasihan sho dia sampe harus menembak dirinya sendiri xPPPP *pamer icon* LIHAT AKU BISA BUAT GIF! 8D
coughsthismonthistatesmonthrightcoughs xD hooh xDD tapi di akhir bulan
kalo ohno dibilang paling 'kecil' sih iya xDD pas pertama gw nontonin arashi yg gw pikir paling tua itu aiba lo xDD paling muda nino. gw ga nyangka sama sekali paling muda jun paling tua ohno *______* ga kebalik tuh. jun...akhirnya dia balik ke bambino version xDD lebih bagus gitu ya daripada kaya indomie ga jelas. si nino gw pikir juga dia mau nampar diri sendiri xD backsoundnya lucu gitu lagi xD
iya gw jelas banget >3< oh jadi dia maunya ga nyuci clana dalemnya bareng sama bokap punya ^^;; orang yg aneh xDDD adalah lagunya jun pake kata anpanman. sho gif icon >D l pake program apa si buat screencaping?
hahahha dibilang kebalik ya iya juga, karena jun yang paling dewasa gitu, yang laen kayak anak kecil xD tapi justru yang kayak anak kecil itu.. yang lucu xD IYAH @_@ gila shock bener g begitu ngeliat rambut dia yang ini! xD lol indomie xP backsoundnya ans emang gak ada yang ngalahin! hahahah xD seru banget backsoundnya, sound editornya bagus 8D
g kira g yang salah mengartikan pertamanya, sampe g ulang entah berapa kali si nino ngomong begitu xD ahaha anpanman, gak nyambung gitu juga kan artinya (kalo gak salah?) g masih traditional, masih pake VLC punya autocap, jadi kalo mau yang ditengah2 g harus punya screencap yang didepan yang biasanya nyampe 4000an >_> cih vlc Dx
,jun yang paling dewasa gitu, yang laen kayak anak kecil xD iya ya xDD sho aja yg keliatan dewasa banget ternyata nggak xDD jun malah ya.
ru, jangan bilang l les jepang, ato l belajar sendiri xDDD l selalu pas gitu ngartiinnya. wiih berat juga >____< kalo jadinya sampe 4000-an. tapi akhirnya bermanfaat juga :0 bermanfaat xDDD gw blom nonton semua AAA concertnya nih >3< seru ga?
hooo,,,riida month y,,i think time to spend time to making riida wallies (ganbatte!) ohno's new haircut make him more kakkoii at his age XD♥ btw itu AnS episode brp?soalnya suka liat mereka main ailand yg nyanyi2 sesuai teks hehehe
ato bandingin pas mereka baru debut,,dengan rambut gondrongnya XD. jgn2 ohno kaya benjamin button di 'curious case of benjamin button"? yg makin tua penampilannya makin muda *huwaa tambah ngaco XP* peni,,desktopmu penuh kaya gitu? isinya apa aja? @_@
I thought the other four were Jun's backup singers or something XDDDDDDDDDDDDD thats a funny first impression xDDD well the fact it's the four were ohno's backsinger ne xDD i bet you watched love so sweet so you thought like that 8D or am i wrong. hahaha
hahaha XD but I often say that to my friends "ohnoooo~" (half intending it to be ohno's name XD)
I watched la familia before (w/o knowing about Arahsi, just had a crush on Jun) so I thought when the 4 were shown in the bg, they were backup singers XDDD
i hope your friend will understand why you combine oh and no together xD
you like jun before? xD i just knew that. almost all arashi's fan were jun's fans before ne 8D *thank you juunn * but if i were you, and look at those 4 on the bg, i would think the same way xDD *laughing*
Comments 71
I forced my sister to watch arashi with me, she said: that ohno, he looks like an 'high and mighty me' type of person. I'm like really? xDD
People say the same about me, since I don't talk and seem unapproachable but I'm nice xP xD
next week we can talk for a whole week! I won't have work! 8D
People say the same about me, since I don't talk and seem unapproachable but I'm nice xP xD
hahaha xD i'm thinking about that alot too, like quite people sometimes looks arrogant D< people missjudge ne
at last! you have a break xDDD i hope it's happen more often >3
whoa, 'high and mighty me' xD pertama kali temen g ngeliat dia malah langsung 'ih dia umur berapa sih? paling kecil ya? kok lucu dia begitu?' LOL. hmm rambutnya riida emang keliatan beda ya pas ans kemaren =/ tapi ans kan udah lama direcord *nunjuk rambutnya jun* tuh baru keluar rambut 'smile'nya dia xD trus nino bodoh! xP dilempar begitu sedotannya xD
OKAASAN YAMETE! sumpah itu kalimat geje abis, mana ada musical begitu? jangan cuci celananya bokap bareng2? lol kan kasihan sho dia sampe harus menembak dirinya sendiri xPPPP *pamer icon* LIHAT AKU BISA BUAT GIF! 8D
hooh xDD tapi di akhir bulan
kalo ohno dibilang paling 'kecil' sih iya xDD pas pertama gw nontonin arashi yg gw pikir paling tua itu aiba lo xDD paling muda nino. gw ga nyangka sama sekali paling muda jun paling tua ohno *______* ga kebalik tuh.
jun...akhirnya dia balik ke bambino version xDD lebih bagus gitu ya daripada kaya indomie ga jelas.
si nino gw pikir juga dia mau nampar diri sendiri xD backsoundnya lucu gitu lagi xD
iya gw jelas banget >3< oh jadi dia maunya ga nyuci clana dalemnya bareng sama bokap punya ^^;; orang yg aneh xDDD adalah lagunya jun pake kata anpanman.
sho gif icon >D l pake program apa si buat screencaping?
hahahha dibilang kebalik ya iya juga, karena jun yang paling dewasa gitu, yang laen kayak anak kecil xD tapi justru yang kayak anak kecil itu.. yang lucu xD IYAH @_@ gila shock bener g begitu ngeliat rambut dia yang ini! xD lol indomie xP
backsoundnya ans emang gak ada yang ngalahin! hahahah xD seru banget backsoundnya, sound editornya bagus 8D
g kira g yang salah mengartikan pertamanya, sampe g ulang entah berapa kali si nino ngomong begitu xD ahaha anpanman, gak nyambung gitu juga kan artinya (kalo gak salah?) g masih traditional, masih pake VLC punya autocap, jadi kalo mau yang ditengah2 g harus punya screencap yang didepan yang biasanya nyampe 4000an >_> cih vlc Dx
iya ya xDD sho aja yg keliatan dewasa banget ternyata nggak xDD jun malah ya.
ru, jangan bilang l les jepang, ato l belajar sendiri xDDD l selalu pas gitu ngartiinnya.
wiih berat juga >____< kalo jadinya sampe 4000-an. tapi akhirnya bermanfaat juga :0 bermanfaat xDDD gw blom nonton semua AAA concertnya nih >3< seru ga?
ohno's new haircut make him more kakkoii at his age XD♥
btw itu AnS episode brp?soalnya suka liat mereka main ailand yg nyanyi2 sesuai teks hehehe
ohno's new haircut make him more kakkoii at his age XD♥
jangan2 potongan rambutnya yg bikin dia muda xDDD coba bandingin waktu rambutnya orange.
itu AnS yg terakhir :D yg SP ,ga ada audiencenya
jgn2 ohno kaya benjamin button di 'curious case of benjamin button"? yg makin tua penampilannya makin muda *huwaa tambah ngaco XP*
peni,,desktopmu penuh kaya gitu? isinya apa aja? @_@
serem banget itu sih xD baru ternyata si brat pit-nya ternyata anggota arashi.
itu belom seberapa >____< desktop gw kemaren lebih penuh lagi. gw males mindahi ke folder. tapi sekarang dah beres 8DD *update*
lol at your first impressions XD as for me I thought the other four were Jun's backup singers or something XDDDDDDDDDDDDD
I thought the other four were Jun's backup singers or something XDDDDDDDDDDDDD
thats a funny first impression xDDD well the fact it's the four were ohno's backsinger ne xDD i bet you watched love so sweet so you thought like that 8D or am i wrong. hahaha
I watched la familia before (w/o knowing about Arahsi, just had a crush on Jun) so I thought when the 4 were shown in the bg, they were backup singers XDDD
you like jun before? xD i just knew that. almost all arashi's fan were jun's fans before ne 8D *thank you juunn * but if i were you, and look at those 4 on the bg, i would think the same way xDD *laughing*
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