Small Moments, Don/Charlie, Numb3rs drabble

Jan 18, 2010 23:27

Title: Small Moments
Author: penguingal
Pairing: Don/Charlie
Rating: PG
Word Count: 150
Warning: 'Cest of the unabashed variety
Disclaimer: This is not their intended function.
Feedback: Gives me warm fuzzies
A/N: Written for the prompt "boyfriend" at numb3rs100. Enjoy.

It was a small moment, almost innocuous. Don thought that, somehow, such a thing should have been grander. Instead, the moment came on a Thursday night with the two of them curled up on his couch, watching a movie, Don's nose pressed to the spot on Charlie's neck right behind his ear.

"You're thinking again," Charlie murmured. "I can always tell. What is it?"

Don eased Charlie's head back to his shoulder, caressing his curls. "I just love my boyfriend, that's all."

"Boyfriend," Charlie repeated, starting to stroke Don's thigh. "I really like the way that sounds."

Pressing a kiss to Charlie's temple first and then capturing his mouth, Don squeezed him tightly. "Yeah, me too."

Of all the monikers Don used for Charlie, brother had always come first, followed later on by friend, companion, and then lover. But suddenly, and without lightening striking him dead, boyfriend surpassed them all.
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