Flamen. Noun. Ancient Roman Cleric.
Nth. Noun. An Unkown Number.
Wifes. Noun. Meanins something other than Wives. xD
Take that Word Mojo!
Wait....Word Mojo DOES Take that. XDDD
*Explaination*Word Mojo is a Fantabulous game on Yahoo and MSN for that matter that is slightly like Scrabble but better and wih time limits. It's lovely! Go play it now! >:
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Comments 5
I MISS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, and I didn't get drunk. At all. I'm so ashamed!
In any case, hurry back so that you can harrass me lots. <3
Rock on, and enjoy, and stuffs!
In other news, I should be back this weekend and I shall tell you all about Otokan than! Michael you shall be the jelous one! Hee Hee! I mean he just that awsome and he was this far away from me and I shook his hand and he is his hand and signed my shirt while I was wearing it and he's so cool and the sunglasses and the hotness and he breathed on me *gushes some more*
Oh and you guys didnt get crap. xD I was poor and the free stuff wasnt all that free. I had to pay for it by waiting in lines. *huggles her new plushie* But anyways....
Wanna know who the guy was? And what plushie it is?
Wait until I get home, cause its not like anyone is going to EMAIL ME *grrrrrrrrr*
Love you boths! Byes byes!
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