Title: Swimming in the Library (a sort of sequel to Realize)
Author: penelope_ziva
Characters: Eleven, Amy Pond
Spoilers: The Eleventh Hour, possibly The Beast Below
Summary: The Doctor shows Amy the swimming pool and the library.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Possible spoilers.
Pairings: Amy/11
Word Count: 1,254
Disclaimer: The Doctor, Amy, the TARDIS
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Comments 21
Question please? I read your other comments for the story prior and you wrote this to answer your friend's request? Amazing skill, little wonder--you have that attractive snarky dialogue ability--which I feel there will be lots of between this companion and doctor. Please write more--I've been in love with the Doctor since I was 20 and he always interests me. Thanks.
The English hate the Scots
The Scottish hate the English
The Welsh hate the English
The English like to make the Welsh their bitches and make them not speak Welsh
The Irish hate the Scots, Welsh and English
The English hate the Irish but love the accent.
The Scots don't care too much about the Welsh.
The Welsh aren't too bothered with the Irish.
BTW I'm Welsh :P
And thanks so much, byti! I'll probably write some more in the Summer, I'm awful busy right now :(
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