They were trying to make a parallel. "See! See! An alcoholic can work in a bar! Sam can *too* hunt!"
Except that an alcoholic who works in a bar is kind of like a dieter who works in an ice cream store. Lots of temptation there. Not really the best idea.
It may not be the *best* idea in the world - but I actuly know a few bartenders that are in recovery.
Oh and about he Hunting comunity? It was alwasy my take (through things that were said in season one) that Sam was a lot more familar with the community then Dean was. Since it was alwasy Sam that would be like "oh I called Caleb, oh you remember him he was a freind of Dad's?"
Pushy girl was supposed to have had a sex scene with Sam - so maybe that would explain her attitude.
As for the other hunters - well maybe they met them on a hunt or a time that we didn't see explicitly detailed in a episode. Maybe they met them at Bobby's - he certainly seems to be a hub in the hunter community
Comments 13
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I didn't mind the pushy girl - I was waiting for that AA chip to come out - and then it did.
there was a time when the show suprised me from time to time.
Except that an alcoholic who works in a bar is kind of like a dieter who works in an ice cream store. Lots of temptation there. Not really the best idea.
It may not be the *best* idea in the world - but I actuly know a few bartenders that are in recovery.
Oh and about he Hunting comunity? It was alwasy my take (through things that were said in season one) that Sam was a lot more familar with the community then Dean was. Since it was alwasy Sam that would be like "oh I called Caleb, oh you remember him he was a freind of Dad's?"
As for the other hunters - well maybe they met them on a hunt or a time that we didn't see explicitly detailed in a episode. Maybe they met them at Bobby's - he certainly seems to be a hub in the hunter community
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