Fic: What To Do with a Bored (superhero) Kid

May 12, 2009 00:15

Fic: What To Do with a Bored (superhero) Kid(1/1)
Series: Chance Winchesterverse
Summary:  Who needs a trans-demensional mirror, when you've got luck on your side?  (Crossover with Dr. Horrible.)    
Author: pen37
Fandoms: Smallville/Supernatural/Dr. Horrible's Singalong Blog
Characters: Chance, Dr. Horrible
Rating: pg

A/N: This is my first entery into this year's spawnfic_tues .  BWAHAHA!  FIRST!
A/N2: What to do with a bored kid is the title of an annual summer issue of the local arts and entertainment magazine.  The issue's focus is self explanatory.

Chance totally blamed Kon.


They’d been dealing with the apocalypses (plural). Most of the Justice League was off planet along with the JSA, and Dad and Uncle Sam were dealing with some kind of Devil’s Gate in California.

So Braniac would chose this time to open a trans-dimensional portal capable of sucking all of Metropolis into the Phantom Zone.

But it was Kon’s idea to drop Chance into it.

Which was why it was only mostly his fault. The rest of the blame landed squarly on the shoulders of the other members of Young Justice for going along with the hair brained idea.

Lena was so going to kill Robin when she found out about it.

But Kon had been right, Chance’s hinky luck powers had managed to close the portal and neuter Braniac. But they’d also sucked him sideways into an alternate dimension where most of the super heroes were idiot bullies and the super villains followed a horse.

Chance knew that he was the only . . . well . . . chance for this world.    So until dad could finish whacking Kon upside the head with a kryptonite baseball bat and Mom could figure out where he was, he was going to pass the time by bringing down Bad Horse and the rest of the ELE.

Which brought him to his present situation.

Chance smiled apologetically to the bound and gagged sandy-haired guy in the closet. “Sorry about trussing you up like a thanksgiving turkey,” he said.   Then he cocked his head sideways. “Nothing personal intended, but are you sure that following this horse-guy is a good idea? For one thing: Dude, he’s a horse."

He let that sink in before continuing his lecture.  He realized that he was probably monologing, but he'd inherited his mom's tendency to talk too much when they were nervous.  "Besides, I know you want to take over the world, but do you really think he’ll let you? That would mean that you would rule him. I think he’d see that as a conflict of interest.

“And another thing, I get that for you the whole of the world is a big black pit, blah blah blah ad nauseum. But I didn’t buy that anarchy was the answer when I watched Sweeny Todd, and I’m not buying it from you.”

In response, the supervillan glared at him.  Then the horrible guy shifted, and the boxes of wonderflonium that Chance had piled on top of him fell over.

“Don’t do that, you’ll hurt yourself.” Chance said. Off his captive’s incredulous look, Chance shrugged. “You can’t judge all us hero types by the douchebags in your version of reality. My mom and dad both saved the world a couple of times over. Overthrowing a horse is kind of a step down for me.

“I wouldn’t have clobbered you, but they’d never mistake me for Fake Thomas Jefferson. Sorry."

Chance winced in sympathy.  "If it helps, you can blame my stupid best friend for getting me into this mess in the first place.”

With that, Chance shoved the closet door closed, and pulled the goggles down over his eyes. It wasn’t a perfect match. He was just a little taller than the horrible man. But if he slumped, no one would be able to tell the difference.

“Man, boredom sucks.”

chance winchester, spawnfic_tues, chance winchesterverse, chance

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