the habits of long ago and far away

Dec 17, 2013 19:48

So I signed up for
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climbing, galentine's day

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Comments 7

gabolange December 18 2013, 03:21:53 UTC
I suspect that if we were to go climbing together sometime this spring, we would be at about equal levels! I do recall kicking your ass at climbing, though; not gonna lie: after several years of using your voice in my head saying "Some of us like to finish our routes!" to get up particularly tricky routes, that felt pretty good. :)

Miss you! We should attempt to go climbing together again sometime soon. When it is an orthopaedically feasible option for me, of course.



pellucid December 19 2013, 01:52:35 UTC
Back by popular demand: the climbing icon!!!

(Also, wow, is it hard to pare down to six, even when I'm not really using them! And the hardest choice, frankly, came after I decided I could only have one TSCC icon. Jesus Sarah? Praying James? Haaaaaands????? SO HARD!!!! Especially because I ultimately gave up praying James even though he was prettiest for Jesus Sarah because, well, Jesus Sarah. In the fire. Oh, show!!!)

Yes, we would be equally worthy of having someone come kick our climbing asses this spring! Unlike that last time, because yes, you absolutely kicked my ass, and I'm in no way too proud to admit it. :)


daybreak777 December 18 2013, 03:59:38 UTC
Yay, you answered my question! You're the second person to answer a question of mine today! *bounces*

Thanks for talking about climbing. I had been curious if you'd be able to get back to it. It seemed such a cool thing to do and you seemed to get so much from it.

But yes, like gabolange says above: BRING BACK THE CLIMBING ICON! It was loved more than you knew. :-)


pellucid December 19 2013, 01:55:49 UTC
Woot!!! And yes, the climbing icon is back by popular demand! I did an icon cull to bring it back into the lineup. Funny how hard it is to delete icons even when you know they're not being used and are still hanging out there on your hard drive... :)

Thank you for reminding me how much I love climbing. Because I do, and it really is something I need to get engaged with again now that I can. Right now I feel like I'm trying to find that balance between being easy on myself for not being able to do all the things at once because I've had quite the year of transition and not everything happens at once, but on the other hand not letting myself use the transition as an excuse for complacency. It's a negotiation.


daybreak777 December 19 2013, 02:19:31 UTC
Yay, icon! (Icons are one of the things I absolutely adore about LJ. They say so much in such a tiny space.)

And aww, you're very welcome. You get to try and do something you love. I get to view a cool icon about challenging yourself that inspires me too.

Win/win. :-)


kernezelda December 18 2013, 12:36:46 UTC
The old gang on LJ seems to have scattered; but I think that's the nature of fandom-driven acquaintanceship; you form fast and lasting bonds until the last of the original source media has faded and new fandoms draw people in different directions. I hang out mostly on tumblr with an XMFC crowd, though I can't say it is a platform to support sustainable dialogue and intercourse; but that's where I've been posting ficlets and have even met someone with whom I've co-written a story, our styles meshing seamlessly. So it's not nearly the same or as fulfilling emotionally as when we all half-lived in one another's pockets on LJ, but it is what it is.

I miss you, and by extension, the old FS crew quite a bit, but I find I don't have much to say these days.


pellucid December 19 2013, 01:59:26 UTC
I miss you, too, and I'm glad to know you're still around, at least a bit!

But yes, lots of scatterings, new platforms that encourage people to engage differently, and this feels like the inevitable result. I also find I'm just not as engaged by any source media these days: I haven't fallen head over heels for a show or film or what not since Sarah Connor Chronicles, really. I watch and enjoy things, but I don't feel the same need to engage actively, and I don't know what causes that. In any event, this is the situation, and it is what it is, as you say. It does still make me a little sad, though, because it was such an important thing for so many years, and now it's gone. C'est la vie, though, I suppose.


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