adventures in pre-vidding

Jul 05, 2011 18:39

So it turns out that if you want to make a vid, there's a whole lot of other stuff you have to do first. If the source for said vid consists of five 22-ep seasons, three of which you've never seen, there's a whole lot of stuff you have to do before you can even start doing the stuff you have to do before vidding. So far, I've yet to encounter the ( Read more... )

vidding???, leverage, alias

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Comments 15

kernezelda July 5 2011, 23:45:11 UTC
Baby vidders unite! I made a vid last week! I mean, I'd ripped the source way back in 2006 when I had the idea, and had done a thirty second clip, but then I accidentally deleted it last year, oops. :( So I re-made that clip last weekend, and then went on and did the rest, and whoo baby, I have a vid! I can't say it's a great vid, but it's mine and I love it and I will not call it George. :D



pellucid July 6 2011, 20:17:05 UTC
Woot! I don't think I noticed your vid--I'll have to go check it out.

I'm a little intimidated by the whole process, mostly because I have very particular taste in the vids that I like to watch, and I have a very particular idea of what I would like this vid to do, and I'm afraid that my newbieness will prevent me from being able to execute my idea the way I want to. But I suppose the only thing to do is to try...


clueless_02 July 6 2011, 03:25:47 UTC
Yay! for Vidding!!!

Seriously, the prep work for vidding can be a bit daunting, but when you have the finished product in your hand, it is the best feeling!

I went the whole route of decrypting the dvds onto my computer and then using a program like VirtualDubMod to edit the episodes down into manageable clips, and you are right, this process took like forever!!! Of course, I made the mistake of clipping a certain character's every scene; and when you make the vid, you sometimes find out that the uniqueness of a vid does not always stem from clip choice, but how you choose to montage the clips together.

Anyways, good luck with your move!

Way way off topic, but I finally got caught up on the RTD era of Doctor Who and I can't stop thinking about your fic The Group of Beloved Female Characters Who Got Screwed in the End. Wow, did I need that after S4 and the specials. The worst part is, I had already seen what happened to River and I had been spoiled for Donna's end, but guh! nothing quite like watching your favorite awesome female ( ... )


pellucid July 6 2011, 20:21:43 UTC
Oh, Donna is definitely a member of the Group. And I say that without having watched any of the fail, but yeah. At least she's in good company? :(

I'm reserving judgment on River, though. I don't love everything that's happened with her thus far this series, but neither do I think it means she's entirely screwed. We'll see...

But yes, vidding! Time consuming! What with the acquiring the footage, and then figuring out where the footage you want is, and then clipping things, and all that before the actual arranging of things begins. I'm not even to the clipping stage yet. *sigh* I do hope it's worth it in the end!


clueless_02 July 6 2011, 22:54:11 UTC
Oh, Donna is definitely a member of the Group. And I say that without having watched any of the fail, but yeah. At least she's in good company? :(

Ah, I wish I had been smart enough to stop watching Doctor Who about ten minutes before the season was up. Have you just watched the Library episodes in S4? I ask because there are a lot of great Donna moments scattered throughout S4 and in her S3 episode "Runaway Bride;" and even in the finale of fail!, she is completely awesome!

But yes, vidding! Time consuming! What with the acquiring the footage, and then figuring out where the footage you want is, and then clipping things, and all that before the actual arranging of things begins. I'm not even to the clipping stage yet. *sigh* I do hope it's worth it in the end!Oh, I have been there, but I think when you get to the editing/arranging of things you will really start to enjoy yourself! And just think after you get the clips onto your computer, most likely you will never have to clip for the show again and you can just pop open your vid ( ... )


beanpot July 6 2011, 13:11:37 UTC
You are so right - Season One and Two were awesome. Season Three was interesting and yet...the whole Lauren thing was tired. Season Four was just bad yet I kept trucking through. However, Season Five I really enjoyed. Maybe not loved like Season one, but I really liked the idea of Sydney as a mentor. It was by no means perfect but it was fun to see everyone settle into rolls. The baby part was okay and I liked that they worked it in vs ignoring it. However, I think what did it for me was the finale when Sydney said goodbye to Jack. I went through half a box of tissues....


pellucid July 6 2011, 20:31:02 UTC
Oh, when you say things like that, you make me feel like I should watch it after all! (I am already feeling slightly tempted by my need to be completist about these things...) Except I know much of what happens in the finale itself--including the whole Sydney saying goodbye to Jack thing--and mostly, DO. NOT. WANT. Pretty sure that's not my Irina, or my Jack, for that matter, and regardless, they're so not allowed to die. So yeah. Feelings are mixed. We'll see where I come down on the idea of watching it.


scarym1 July 6 2011, 14:35:18 UTC
COOL on the vidding. : ) I will warn you now that it can eat your brain. I have made at least 10 so I speaking from experience. ; ) I have sat for hours working and only managed to get a few clips done. It is probably because I am a perfectionist & have a slow computer (only 1GB of RAM). I always print off the lyrics and start making notes about which clips I want. In my new Daniel/Vala, I dled a whole ep (which took forever) for just one small scene.

What software are you using? I have used Windows Movie Maker. I am currently using Pinnacle.


pellucid July 6 2011, 20:34:43 UTC
Frankly, the whole time-consuming part is part of what is continuing to make me skeptical of the whole venture--will it really be worth it? But I am determined to try! And my computer is fairly new and speedy, so at least I won't have to be fighting that battle.

I haven't started using anything yet, but I've got Sony Vegas on chaila43's rec. I'd planned just to use WMM to start, but apparently the new version for Windows 7 kind of sucks, so I figure why not try the big guns.


(The comment has been removed)

pellucid July 6 2011, 21:03:26 UTC
When I decided to do this vid, it hadn't quite occurred to me that it would involve watching the whole show (and even since I wrote this post, I sort of feel like I should also watch season 5? *sigh*). I also didn't realize I would be such a completist vidder, but, well, clearly yes--whether that's a good thing or not. But given that I keep listening to the song on repeat and imagining the vid and making notes and such, I think I've passed the point of no return ( ... )


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