fannish things

Jul 15, 2010 17:53

I haven't made a fannish (or public) post in ages, it seems. Mostly this is because I'm only mildly engaged in fannish things at present, but that doesn't mean I have nothing to say. To wit:

1. femgenficathon stories are beginning to be posted today!!! I've read nothing so far, but I'm excited ( Read more... )

leverage, lie to me, doctor who, women are awesome

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Comments 20

zinke July 15 2010, 22:01:59 UTC
we think we might try to do another round of that in the fall if people are up to it.

*waves hand emphatically* ME!!!!!!


Hardison is absolutely fabulous. Though it is possible I really, really enjoy watching Elliot kick ass. I, too, am rather 'meh' about Parker, though there is a 3rd season episode that is Parker-centric that I really enjoyed and helped to flesh out her character a bit more. I think she was always a bit flat to me before so I'm curious to see how things go from this point forward.

There is not much Nate/Sophie at all! Which I agree is rather strange. The major pairing fandom-wise, as far as I can tell, is Parker/Hardison which...I'm not so much a fan of. I do love me some Nate/Sophie UST, though.


pellucid July 16 2010, 15:20:07 UTC
Hee! *adds you to the galpal list*

In many ways I hope I continue to enjoy Leverage but continue to feel no fannish impulses toward it because as far as I can tell, the fandom seems a little odd. Or at least seems to be not just dominated but almost exclusively comprised of people with different buttons than mine. That, of course, is their right, but it does strike me as odd that there's not still a Nate/Sophie contingent hanging out somewhere, or that Sophie doesn't seem to get any love, period. Most fandoms have pockets for everyone, y'know?


zinke July 16 2010, 18:29:20 UTC
The fandom (what little I know of it) is indeed a little on the straneg side. As much as I adore the show, I've neve felt all that fannish about it. It's a fun little thing filled with snark, teamy goodness and the occasional snappy dialogue and so that makes me smile. But I don't feel the inexorable pull of the squee the way I have with say, BSG or SG1.

I have come to like Sophie more and more as the show has progressed. She's awesome in an understated in a way, quirky but not too quirky, and often exsists more in the background than some of the other characters; I wonder if that's why she doesn't have more followers?


frolicndetour July 15 2010, 22:26:01 UTC
1. I defaulted the year I started law school. There's no penalty, but it was definitely more of a Bad Thing than I had hoped what with it not being an exchange - I think because they limit the number of participants. Though IIRC they allowed more than one person to claim the same prompt this year, so you're probably in a much better position than I was.


pellucid July 16 2010, 15:22:46 UTC
Hmm. Perhaps I can still manage to get my story written. I know what I want to do, but it's a fandom I haven't thought actively about in a while, and it's a story I very much want to get right when I do write it, and, well, we'll see whether that actually happens in the next few weeks. It does seem like there was lots of flexibility this year, though: people allowed to claim the same prompt, people allowed to claim multiple prompts, etc.


beanpot July 16 2010, 00:04:33 UTC
We should do it again because that means I will have to write and I want to write so we should write!

As for Parker, I do adore her and I think part of it is because she is so unique. She has no filter and doesn't seem to get why these people like her and she really doesn't get why she likes them. I think she was the hardest one to go from selfish thief to Robin Hood type thief because the idea of doing anything for anyone wasn't how she worked. But now doing these things make her feel and you get to see these things unfold in her and how she just loves taking care of people now. She has unfolded in bits and pieces over the two and now third season and I've loved it....


pellucid July 16 2010, 15:30:26 UTC
Parker may well grow on me as I watch more. And it's not as though I dislike her or anything: I do find her an interesting character, she's certainly had her good comedic moments in the eps I've seen so far, and she contributes an important element to the overall team dynamic. But she doesn't particularly push any of my buttons, and to be honest, none of the things you say about her here indicate that she will start to do so. I like filters, and I really like characters who are incredibly self-aware. Sophie, for instance, appeals for a lot of the reasons that Parker does not: all the layers of lies, of moving in and out of different personas, never quite showing anyone the real Sophie (even in the sense that her real name is a secret). But this isn't because Sophie doesn't know who she is--rather, she does, and that's precisely why and how she can be all these other people. That kind of character completely fascinates me, whereas a character who is as un-self-aware as Parker appeals far less.

Different folks, different strokes, I


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pellucid July 16 2010, 15:35:54 UTC
I really do want to write my femgen story--but it's a story I've been wanting to write for years, and at this point it's taken on this shape in my mind that I'm not sure I can do justice to in under two weeks, especially given how busy these two weeks will be. What happened to my summer full of time to write??? We'll see...

5x12 is next on the docket, so we'll see! She's definitely someone I want to see more of and whom I suspect I will want to have thinky thoughts about when I'm in the right headspace, regardless of whether there's actual flailing. Though I'm not sure how I feel about the idea of watching Doctor Who with regularity. I mean, it's not that I'm not enjoying it because I am more than I expected, I think, but it's such a big THING at this point, and I don't know if I want to wade into that in order to flail about one recurring character. Also, time travel always breaks my brain! (And not always in a good way...) Still, River is awfully damned hot... :D


amilyn July 16 2010, 00:48:22 UTC
What am I missing?

Primarily this: Fandom is Batshit Insane.

That is all.

Also, Alex Kingston is incredibly, amazingly oh-so-hoooottotally awesome, as is River Song. Yay!


pellucid July 16 2010, 15:38:15 UTC
Well, yes, but fandom is usually batshit insane in such predictable ways! And Leverage fandom, as far as I can tell, is predictable in some ways but then really, really not in others, and that confuses me!

And indeed, River=totally hot!


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