Once again via
This is the fuller context of Rev. Wright's now infamous "God Damn America" remarks. Y'all, I'm a little physically ill about how this man's comments have been taken so entirely out of context with the agenda of turning him into the Angry Black Man that white people like to hate and fear. If you watch (or have already watched) any
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Comments 10
Which would Rock The House
(I actually ended up, in my primary, voting for Richardson (Obama was a shoo-in to take my state) even though he'd officially dropped out, and then voting for Obama's delegates simply because I had this crazy hope it would encourage an Obama/Richardson ticket. I think their experiences and strengths would complement each other really, really well)
But who knows?
Indeed. Yet precious few people will figure that out.
In the craziness of this whole thing, who has been surprisingly supportive of Wright but Mike Huckabee!!!!! Which perhaps speaks to how much these racial issues are not really about politics at all (it was Geraldine Ferraro, after all, who set off so much of the current flap) and rather about something that both divides and unites us on much deeper levels.
However, my cynical side does come through and wonder...would Americans really elect an African-American/Hispanic ticket? I hope so.
I feel like the people who crunch the "electability" numbers would advise Obama against Richardson, based solely on race, despite the fact that I think he'd be a fantastic choice whose strengths would complement Obama's really well (international affairs experience, a Southwesterner to go against McCain, etc.).
Because the thing is, what white dude out there is going to complement Obama as nicely as Richardson would? Richardson has the longevity of experience, the crucial international affairs experience plus the administrative experience from being a governor, and to top it all off, he hails from McCain's region of the country.
What is surprising, though, is that Wright can count Mike Huckabee, of all people, among his (admittedly qualified) defenders! Which, as I just said to sdwolfpup, suggests that this whole mess of racism has much less to do with politics than it does about history and cultural ideology.
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