Proof my tear ducts have no relation to my brain

Jul 03, 2008 10:59

This is my favorite video of the moment, and yes, it actually did make me tear up:

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However, me saying that something has made me think I was going to cry should be taken with a grain of salt, as I teared up while watching the finale of A Shot at Love yesterday. It's like, I know Tila Tequila is kinda skanky, but I just felt so bad for her at ( Read more... )

lesbian, doctor who, american astronaut, love, ten, gay, rose tyler, music, tv

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Comments 3

bassplayer1231 July 3 2008, 18:11:53 UTC
Capitalizing on his movie much, hmm?


scarletumbrella July 3 2008, 19:20:57 UTC
Right there with you on the DW vid though yeah I am a "crier" as well. ^_^


utmoonbog July 3 2008, 20:19:22 UTC
I would have probably found this video sad if I knew the plot of Dr. Who at all. As it stands though, within a few seconds of the song starting there was some girl going crazy and casting a spell or something, which I think she was using to like, destroy a Protoss power pylon. And then she and Dr. Who get chased by some robots or something while looking sad. I think the intense drama of this show might be lost on me.


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