We saw it Friday afernoon, thankfully no children were in the theatre this time. How sick am I of fretful babies and whining toddlers when I've paid 7$ for a film? At least this theatre didn't smell of urine. Excellent assement of this part of the HP saga. Very dark, disturbing and beautifully done. I will prolly see it again as well. I have the others of DVD, but somehow they beg to be seen huge, much like Jedi. Some pictures are fine for the small screen, but not these. Damned glad they ditched the whole Hermione/SPEW gig. Tiresome and would have dragged down the darkness; I did like Harry in the tub. *g* I've pre-ordered the Tonner HP doll in his Yule Ball robes just because I'm a big ole doll nerd.
We bought tickets for 22.10 original showing. Luckily for us, they have dubbed versions of the movie as it is still regarded as a children's movie. There were no child or teenager in the crowd.
This is a big screen movie, you're right. Some movies just lose something when you watch them in small screen. I think, despite trying, I expect too much of these movies and the amount of the stuff that changed in GoF makes me very worried about OoTP.
Hi! I was checking out people who were interested in Count Dooku and your name turned up. I think your lj is cool. Do you mind too much if I friend you?
Sure, feel free but be aware I'm an awful journal keeper. My work is very demanding right now so almost hardly write but I'm determined to redeem that.
Comments 4
Excellent assement of this part of the HP saga. Very dark, disturbing and beautifully done. I will prolly see it again as well. I have the others of DVD, but somehow they beg to be seen huge, much like Jedi. Some pictures are fine for the small screen, but not these.
Damned glad they ditched the whole Hermione/SPEW gig. Tiresome and would have dragged down the darkness; I did like Harry in the tub. *g* I've pre-ordered the Tonner HP doll in his Yule Ball robes just because I'm a big ole doll nerd.
This is a big screen movie, you're right. Some movies just lose something when you watch them in small screen. I think, despite trying, I expect too much of these movies and the amount of the stuff that changed in GoF makes me very worried about OoTP.
I'll friend you back.
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