(no subject)

Feb 07, 2011 04:10


Planet Earth, 2078.
Societies, technologies and economies thrive. The majority of the century's global problems have been resolved, but humanity always finds a way to replace them with new ones. The once called 'alternative' energies are the norm, culture has changed and rotated and is now emphasizing revivalisms of the style from the 2010s (twenty-tens). Tension persists between countries in opposite sides of the map, but wars have taken an entirely different direction.

Mhuala is a developed and highly advanced country situated in the Mediterranean coast, and San Blaise is the name of its capital. Just like any other big city, social classes, nationalities and beliefs differ from one block to another, big businesses pile up in tall buildings, publicity ads speak out to their target audiences (literally) and cars are made from hovercraft technology. The official language is English (surprise surprise) with its own, flavored accent.

San Blaise was once famous for its business centers and restaurants, but that fame was replaced when the first Mekadion appeared in 2056.

Half of the city was wrecked trying to control and take down a giant robot, damages were evaluated in millions of dollars. No one could explain the surreal attack, but efforts were made to bring it to an end. Once the dazed and uncoordinated robot was taken down, some questions were answered, and many more were raised.

The body of a young girl was found unconscious on the local where the robot had last been sighted. The military was ordered to take her in for testing and questioning, attempting to determine the origins of the event. The girl was identified as Jennifer Clinton, a sixteen year old student from a poor neighborhood. Scared and under pressure, the only thing authorities got from her were incoherent descriptions and foggy memories, describing lights and metal growing on her limbs, then visions of an entire city under her feet and clouds right above her head.

Upon exhaustive studies, a gene was identified in Jennifer's DNA that triggered her transformation. Many questions remained unanswered before the government rushed right in to claim her and her ability, keeping an eye out for any other occurrences. Jennifer Clinton became a secluded celebrity, talked about in the news, published in books, depicted as a character in movie and comic book titles, permanently stripped away from her previous life. The term 'Mekadion' first came up in the press and caught on.

Just as predicted, other Mekadions appeared. Mhuala had the second and third occurrence in the span of five years; other countries started spotting them shortly after. Significant measures had been taken to handle the situation and bring in the Mekadions to be studied and trained in order to keep their power under control. The Mhualan government found a way to give them use, and soon became a nation to be reckoned with.

The threat and tension in the world only grew with the increasing appearances of Mekadions, most of them innocent teenagers, and many years of treaties and bureaucracy were planned to bring some political balance before any more unnecessary damage was caused.

the story begins...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet purus nisi. Duis dictum fringilla erat eu vestibulum. Aenean quis dictum est. Cras eu ipsum leo. Praesent tincidunt, turpis ac tincidunt tristique, ante quam auctor urna, non aliquam diam ante dignissim nisi. Praesent vestibulum pharetra mi vel dictum. Duis tempus aliquam est quis tempus. Nulla augue leo, elementum id volutpat in, fermentum placerat quam. Nulla facilisi. Cras molestie commodo velit, a porta urna sagittis ac. Pellentesque tristique, lacus id rhoncus aliquam, augue purus consequat est, sit amet interdum metus mauris eu leo. Donec cursus rutrum congue. Integer sed purus mi. Curabitur malesuada gravida venenatis. Nulla tellus mi, sollicitudin eu aliquam vehicula, fringilla lobortis elit. Sed in lacinia quam. Proin luctus fermentum est, nec dignissim leo vehicula a. Etiam vitae velit ut ipsum ultrices venenatis ut id purus.

Etiam accumsan orci id diam convallis eget volutpat eros vulputate. In quis nisl tellus. Vivamus a eros felis. Nam accumsan, leo a pellentesque fringilla, ipsum turpis auctor dui, id tempus ante nunc vitae lacus. Proin quis erat nibh. Donec non ornare odio. Donec bibendum lacus nisl, blandit faucibus augue. Aliquam vel aliquam nibh. In eros massa, tincidunt id fringilla eu, ultricies eget arcu. Suspendisse sodales varius egestas. Pellentesque vulputate rutrum nulla eget fermentum. Fusce sit amet nulla at arcu ullamcorper pulvinar. Vestibulum dignissim, quam nec iaculis tempus, quam lorem interdum tortor, vel pellentesque ante arcu sit amet dolor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vivamus lacinia porta diam, id lacinia massa egestas vel. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aenean aliquet orci id magna vestibulum mollis.

Ut vel commodo enim. Fusce vitae risus nulla. Aenean consequat posuere nisl non tincidunt. Aliquam euismod semper vestibulum. Nam eu orci dictum tellus rhoncus laoreet. Suspendisse in felis leo. Ut auctor vehicula neque, et porta dolor imperdiet ac. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec quam tortor, elementum sit amet euismod a, ornare sit amet velit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec adipiscing suscipit justo vel viverra. In posuere mattis felis, id feugiat risus bibendum non. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla egestas aliquet quam id elementum.

the cast...


mekadion anatomy


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