The Beauty of Love As It Was Made To Be 6/?

Oct 12, 2012 17:12

Title: The Beauty of Love As It Was Made To Be 6/?

Rating: PG

Pairing and Characters: Dean/Cas, Faith, Tracy

Spoilers/Warnings: None really

Word Count: ~2,900 (this chapter)

Summary: This is a sequel to "Like To Stay in Heaven..." you don't have to read that first to start this, but it would help a lot. That masterpost is  here. You do need to read the prologue which is  here. This starts two months after the end of my version of season 7.

This chapter: A new threat is on the horizon for the Winchesters.  Tracy meets with Cas to discuss their options and Faith reveals something that could give the Winchesters an upper hand with those who threaten them.

Notes: This story will most likely turn into another monster. I've had this story in mind for a while and haven't had a way to write it out. It could go on for a long time to see Dean and Cas' daughter grow to an adult. I don't know a lot about Nephilim and will make up most everything about them in this story with my unique little Winchester.


Dean woke up slowly to a warm embrace from Cas.  He hummed contently and tightened his hold on the other man.  Cas snuggled closer and buried his face in Dean’s neck.  Dean smiled and moved a little closer so that their bodies were pressed together fully.  He turned his head, pressing his lips to Cas in a sleepy kiss. 
As Cas returned the kiss and nipped gently at his lips, Dean remembered everything that happened before he fell asleep: Tracy, the monster mob, and Faith.  He shot up in bed, knocking Cas to the side roughly, and looked around the room frantically.

“Where’s Faith?”  She had been sleeping between them and now he didn’t see her.

Cas sat up and made the same realization.  He looked at Dean and they both jumped up and ran to the door, calling her name.  They made it a couple steps into the living room before halting.  She was on the floor playing with one of her toys.

“Daddy!”  She smiled wide at them.

Dean sighed.  “Dammit, Faith!”  Her face fell as she sensed his anger.  When she started tearing up, Dean rushed to her, crouching down to her level.  “Shh, it’s okay.”  He scooped her up.  “It’s okay.  You just scared Daddy.”  He rubbed the back of her head gently.  “Don’t run off like that, okay?  Stay where we can see you.”

Faith sniffed and rubbed her eyes with the back of her hands.  “Poppa,” she whined and looked at Cas.  Dean handed her over to Cas reluctantly.  She usually wanted Cas when she got upset and Dean felt like he was the cause of upsetting her more than anything else and it broke his heart.

“It’s alright, honey.”  Faith fell against Cas, wrapping her arms around his neck and hiding her face.  “We’re not mad.  You’re not in trouble.”  He held her tight and rubbed her back soothingly.  She calmed down pretty quick and Cas pulled her back to look at her.  “You want to hear a story?”  She nodded.

Cas nodded to Dean and carried Faith to the bookcase and picked out the book of Grimm stories.  Dean watched as Cas set her on his lap and opened the book before turning around and going to the fridge to make something to eat.

An hour later, Faith was over everything and was laughing as Dean held her stuffed tiger and made cat noises while walking it towards her.  She squealed in delight and ran as it got closer, Dean chased right after her.

Cas was drinking coffee at their small table as they ran in circles around the couch.  His phone beeped from across the room.  He got up and dug it out of his coat hanging by the couch.  He had a text from an unknown number:

Hopefully this is Cas.  If I guessed right, you seem willing to accept my help.  If you still want me to save your family, meet me in the park in one hour.  I’ll be the tall blonde sitting on the bench.

Cas assumed it was Tracy.  He slid his keyboard out and typed back:

How’d you get this number?

He only waited a few seconds for the reply:

I took it off your phone last night.  Is that a yes?

Cas hesitated a little.  He knew what would happen if Dean found out about this.

Fine.  One hour.

See you then, angel.

Cas put his phone in his pocket after checking the time.  He looked at Dean and wanted to tell him, but he knew he couldn’t do that.  Instead, he walked back into their room to change.  When he came back out, Dean was looking through the books and Faith was playing contently on the floor.

Dean looked up as he entered the room.  “Who was that?”  He pointed to his pocket.

“No one.”  He turned from Dean so he wouldn’t catch the lie in his eyes.  “So, what do you think we should do about our little problem?”

Dean was silent a moment, wondering if he should press the phone issue or not.  “I don’t know, but I think we should amp up the protection on the house a little.”

Cas looked back.  “How?  We already have angel warding and binding, devil’s traps, and salt lines up.  What more can we do?”

He shrugged.  “Dead man’s blood maybe and something silver to keep the shifters out?”

“Maybe.”  Faith suddenly stilled on the floor and looked towards the window behind them.  “Faith?”  Cas looked back and didn’t see anything in the window.  “What is it?”

She smiled and pointed behind him.  “Fairy!  My fairy!”

Dean leaned to the side to look around Cas and out the window.  He caught a quick glimpse of something before it disappeared.  He looked at Faith, “You saw a fairy?”  She nodded quickly.  Dean looked back out the clear window.  “What did it look like?”

Faith furrowed her brows in thought before standing up and running to the fridge where Cas had taped up some of her drawings.  She pointed to a brightly colored tinkerbell-like fairy.  She smiled at Dean, “My fairy.”

Dean swallowed the sudden lump in his throat.  He really didn’t like fairies.  “You think there could be fairies around here?  Maybe they’re working with the monsters, like surveillance or something?”

Cas shrugged.  “I don’t know.  Can monsters even see fairies?  I could as an angel and Faith can obviously, but I can’t see them anymore, Dean.”  He looked at Dean expectantly.

He shook his head slightly, knowing what Cas was asking.  He didn’t have another choice.  “Fine.”  After being abducted by the little troublemakers, Dean could see them.  He went outside to check the perimeter of the house.

Cas sat by Faith as Dean left.  “How long have you seen the fairies, Faith?”  She shrugged.  “A couple days?”  She shook her head.  “A week?”  She shook her head again.  “A month?”  She smiled.

“My fairy.”  She grabbed the drawing off the fridge and began tracing a pattern with her finger.

Cas stood and grabbed a crayon from its box on the counter.  He handed it to her as he sat down again.  “How long have you seen the fairy, sweetheart?”  She started drawing her crib under the fairy.  “You see her when you sleep?”  She nodded and drew a tiny figure in the crib along with three tall figures standing beside the crib, one being taller than the other two.

“So, Sam was here too.  At least two months then?”  Cas watched as Faith continued drawing.  She drew a tiny animal in the hand of one of the shorter men.  “What is that?”  He pointed to it.

She pointed to her tiger on the floor by the couch and back to the picture.  “Daddy.”

He understood now.  She was drawing the first night she had needed to sleep.  The three of them had put her to bed and Dean went out and bought her the stuffed tiger.  He had handed it to her as she drifted off.  “You’ve always seen the fairies, haven’t you?  From the first day you were here?”

Faith nodded as she shaded in her drawing with the blue crayon.  She circled the fairy a few times.  “Mine.”  She smiled and looked at Cas.

“Is it always the same one?”  She nodded.  “Does she tell you anything or do anything?”

Faith giggled.  “Tricks.”

“Tricks?  What kind of tricks?”  She laughed again.  “What does she do, Faith?”  She moved to the bookshelf and pulled a book out from the shelf and slid it under the couch.  “Does she just move the books or does she take them?”  Faith shrugged.  “Anything else?”  Faith shook her head.

Dean walked back through the front door with wide eyes.  “Yeah, we’ve got a crap ton of fairies all over the place.  They didn’t even try to hide.”

Cas stood and held out Faith’s drawing.  “Apparently, there’s one that visits Faith all the time, since day one.”  Dean looked the picture over.  “She likes to play tricks, like moving and hiding books.”

Dean looked up.  “So that’s what’s been going on?”  Cas nodded.

“Dean, I doubt the fairies are working with the others.  They could have done so much to us without being noticed or stopped.  They would have told the others about Faith by now too I’m sure.”

“Yeah,” he put the drawing on the table, “I guess.  Should we be worried about them then?  If the worst they’re doing is moving books around, does it matter?”

“I wouldn’t worry too much.  We can’t banish them, we didn’t summon them.”

“We can keep them busy with salt or sugar if we have to.”  A thought occurred to Dean.  “Hey, you think we could use them against the monster mob?”


“Win their favor, they already like Faith, and then ask them to spy or make trouble for us?  You think that could work?”

Cas shrugged.  “I don’t know.  You think they even would help us without a cost?”

“We don’t have any sons to offer them, I’ve already been to the farm.  We could try.”

“Okay.  What do we do?”

“Cream.  We need lots of cream.”  At Cas’ confused face, Dean continued, “They drink it like water and it works like alcohol.  I can see them, talk to them, maybe even Faith could too.”

Cas nodded.  “We can try that.  I’ll go out and get cream a little later.”  Cas was relieved that he now had a reasonable excuse to go out and meet Tracy.  He had about 45 minutes before he had to go and he was starting to feel sick with the thought of sneaking out to talk to her.  He believed that she was a hunter, but Dean seemed set on not working with anyone that wasn’t human or trustworthy, even though he has done it before.

It was almost an hour since Tracy texted him and Cas was sitting in the Impala, trying to decide if he should really go.  He did manage to leave the cabin and buy enough cream to make the cashiers watch him strangely.  He wondered now how many of them were shifters or demons keeping a close eye on him.

He was sitting at the park now, a few minutes over the meeting time, thinking about his options.  The fairy thing could be a good enough plan on its own, but having a guaranteed spy on the inside was just as good.  Of course, she could be lying about her whole story.  That doesn’t even factor in how Dean will react if and when he finds out about this.  After the whole Crowley and Purgatory thing, he didn’t want Dean to think he was working behind his back and betraying him again.  But he was wasn’t he?

Cas crossed the park and found a tall blonde sitting on an open bench off to the side.  He sat on the opposite end of the wooden bench.  She was quiet a few moments before she uncrossed her legs and huffed.  “I was beginning to think you weren’t coming.”

“I thought about it.  You don’t know what it means for me to be here.”

“Like I’m not risking anything?”  She turned to face him.  “If the others figure out what I’m doing, they will kill me.  No matter how mad Dean gets about you talking to me, he won’t kill you.”

“Don’t be so sure.”  Cas scanned the park, looking for anyone who looked suspicious.  Most of them were parents playing with their children and a couple high school kids trying to knock each other off the equipment.  “So what’s the plan?”

“Getting right to business, huh?”  She smiled.  “I like that.”  She moved a few strands of her long hair out of her face as she moved a little closer to him.  “The group is getting restless.  I wouldn’t be surprised if they decide to stop waiting for Sam and attack within the week.  My advice: attack them first, tonight.”

Cas looked up in surprise.  “Tonight?  How am I supposed to get Dean to do that and not tell him about you?”

“That’s not my problem.  If you wait more than a couple days, you’ll be on defense instead of offense.  Everyone thinks you guys are getting soft and playing house instead of hunting and they’re gonna use that.  If you attack, you’ll have surprise on your side.”

“We don’t know anything about them.”

“That’s what I’m here for.”  She pulled a folded piece of paper out of her pocket and opened it.  “This is a diagram of where we’re hold up.”  She handed it to Cas.  “Each room I’ve labeled is where these things sleep.  At night a vamp is usually keeping guard, but all of them will be awake.  Demons don’t sleep, vamps sleep a little during the day, the shifters and skinwalkers vary.”

Cas looked over the crude drawing.  Each corner of the building was a square of monsters.  There was a wide open area in the center.  “What’s this?”  He pointed to the area.

“Kind of a living room I guess.  It’s where the weapons and supplies are kept.”

“Let me guess, the only door in lead into this room?”

“Yep, right into the wide space we can all see.”

“A nice open target area, great.  Are there any other ways in?”

“There are a couple windows.  One in the shifter’s room, and one in the vamp’s.”

“So trapping the demons in with salt wouldn’t be extremely difficult?”

“If you’re not seen, no.  And believe me you want to cut the demons out first.  If any of them run to the boss, it’s all over.”

Cas nodded.  “What’s your part in this?”

“I’ll make sure no one is looking out a window when you salt them and I’ll make sure to be the one on guard that night.  I’ll get you in and once you’re there, I’ll help you kill the bitches.”

“Do they know about Faith?”

She shook her head.  “No.  If they did, you would know.”

“It’d be nice to get someone small in there to distract them wouldn’t it?  You know, like a fairy?”

Tracy laughed furrowed her brows.  “A fairy?  You been reading too many fairytales to Faith?  Fairies aren’t real.”

Cas couldn’t see any deceit in her eyes.  She didn’t know about the fairies.  “I was just kidding.”  He smiled as she laughed again.

“Of course, if you wanted a tiny weapon, you wouldn’t need to imagine fairies.  You have the biggest nuke at your disposal.  Something that could wipe everyone out in a flash and save a lot of time and trouble.”

Cas’ face fell.  “Are you talking about Faith?”  Tracy nodded.  “Are you joking?  She’s a one year old.”

“Who happens to be more powerful than anything to walk this earth in a long time.”

“NO!”  A couple kids nearby jumped at Cas’ outburst.  “I will not use my daughter as a weapon.  She won’t be leaving the house.”

“And what about 15 or 20 years from now?  Will she be your little weapon then?  I’m assuming you’re raising her as a hunter, right?  Why not start early?”

“I will not use her.  She won’t be a killer before she turns one.”

“No, she’s just a prisoner.”  Tracy’s voice took on an icy tone.


“That angel binding you have on the house to strip your daughter of her powers, basically makes her helpless.  You might as well have her chained to a chair.”  Her voice rose as she practically spat the words out.  “She has so much power and potential and you’re confining her for your convenience.”

“We’re keeping her safe.”

“From who?”

“Everyone like the mob outside our house.”

“They’re not there for her.  They’re after you.”

“Can you imagine what would happen to her if one of those things took her?  Do you know what she would go through to be twisted and tortured to be used as a weapon?”

Her glare turned dark.  “Better than you would think.  I will tell you this: If you keep holding her back and confining her, one day she will hate you and rebel and you will have created the very monster you’re trying to save her from.”

Her words sounded like they came from personal experience.  Before Cas could comment, she stood and zipped her jacket shut.  “Do whatever the hell you want.  If you want my help, you have my number.”

Cas was left on the bench as she stalked away quickly into the trees beside the park.  She would be leaving to shift before heading back.  Cas sat quietly at the park as he thought over her words.  They weren’t keeping Faith prisoner.  She was safer not using her abilities.  If anything caught wind of a nephilim, she would be taken faster than they could think.

Something about Tracy’s speech made Cas wonder what had happened to her.  All hunters have some kind of story to explain the life they were in.  Maybe Tracy had been through something truly awful as a child or maybe she was a revenge driven monster that had suffered at the hands of hunters and this was all an act to get them where she wanted them.

Cas didn’t know how long he sat there before he made up his mind.  He would tell Dean everything and hope they could deal with this together.  The safety of their family had to be the top priority for both of them.


dean winchester, faith winchester, supernatural, castiel, fan fiction, fallen!castiel, pg, the beauty of love as it was made to be, dean/castiel

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