DIY Magnetic Poetry

Jan 05, 2007 10:17

I got this from lifehacker_rss, which got it from Curbly here:

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Comments 13

wilfulcait January 5 2007, 16:54:44 UTC
How remarkably cool.

I'm going to make a set for my friends, and next year I'm going to make these as handout to my Nano folks. Thanks for sharing.


pegkerr January 5 2007, 17:00:33 UTC
Hey, I was going to e-mail you tonight. We just picked up the woodcarver set from the Post Office box. Thank you so much! Delia was just thrilled and has started reading the book.


wilfulcait January 5 2007, 17:03:32 UTC
I'm so glad! I wish I'd had eye protection and gloves to send along, but I expect you can get those cheaply and may even have some.


anam_cara_ January 5 2007, 17:11:21 UTC
Don't you love Curbly? Did you create an account? If so, I'll befriend you there as well- Curbly seems filled by extremely creative Twin Citians, doesn't it?

I made my own version of MP years ago, when there was only the original version, I had to make a college theme version, and now there is a version available for endless themes. I also use all those promo magnets to cover with a photo and clear contact paper, works out nicely!

I fell in love with the post on kaleidoscoping photos of tree branches- that was the one that I was, wow, how simple, yet I'd never dreamed of it.


kijjohnson January 5 2007, 17:12:32 UTC
Okay, memo to us both: family Christmas next year.


pokeystar January 5 2007, 19:14:13 UTC
I made a huge set of generic word and personalized name and place magnets one year for my husband. I made so many I had to buy a huge picture frame at a thrift store into which I inserted a piece of metal flashing (?) - sheet metal - It's a ever changing poetry mural on our dining room wall.


pegkerr January 5 2007, 20:03:22 UTC
What a clever idea! I'd love to see a picture if you have one to post.


Here you go pokeystar January 8 2007, 17:58:27 UTC
Sorry, it took me a little while to find the picture:

... )


Re: Here you go pegkerr January 8 2007, 18:21:19 UTC
Outstanding! I want one now.

(Hmm . . . the only problem is that we have very few bare walls since as mad bibliophiles we have covered all the walls, floor to ceiling, with bookcases.)


weaselmom January 5 2007, 20:12:41 UTC
Hmmm... I should make a set for work, full of words such as "paradigm shift" and "core competencies" and "leverage."


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