52 Week Collage: Weeks 20, 21, 22 and 23

Feb 14, 2016 21:29

Week 20: Twelfth
Once again, we gather around the table to celebrate the end of Christmas.

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holidays, job hunt, thinking about this, twelfth night, depression, severus snape, elinor dashwood, 52 week collage project, ipod

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Comments 1

aome February 16 2016, 03:27:25 UTC
Janus is definitely appropriate for Severus - I had no idea JKR chose that date for his bday.

Lovely and appropriate cards, as always. I'm sorry to hear about the lost iPod - how frustrating!

Email me if you need to vent about Life. You know I'm always here if you need me. ♥


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