
Oct 02, 2011 08:22

Delia has decided not to be confirmed ( Read more... )

parenting, church, delia, spirituality, thinking about this

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Comments 7

dreamflower02 October 2 2011, 13:46:16 UTC
Don't give up hope. The other day, my son *offered* to go to church with me this Sunday. I don't know that it's any indication of him coming around as far as believing goes-- I had mentioned that since his Dad now had to work every weekend it was kind of lonesome going by myself. But that had been a couple of weeks before, so his offer was quite a surprise.

BTW, he's 35 now, and hasn't attended church since he was about 15.


tesla_aldrich October 2 2011, 15:28:29 UTC
She is so fortunate to have parents who respect her views and support her in them. Whatever her beliefs are now and in the future, she will never feel that you forced yours upon her. Yay Peg!


mizzlaurajean October 2 2011, 16:17:47 UTC
I got confirmed but only as an insurance policy against being wrong. This made good sense in my 13 year old head. Oddly I was the church goer not my parents but realizing you don't believe is still disappointing with something you've made a big part of your life.

I agree with Tesla it's a good thing to have parents who let kids make these important choices.


redbird October 2 2011, 17:24:25 UTC
I'm glad she felt comfortable being honest about this.


blpurdom October 2 2011, 18:04:49 UTC
Both of our kids made the same decision and it never occurred to us to try to "make" them continue going to church. They didn't have much choice when we hauled them along with us as small children, and they always had fun in Sunday School, but it's their choice not to believe and we respect that choice. They still really enjoy being around the folks at our church and think they're great--they just don't come to worship services because they don't want to be hypocrites.


corinnethewise October 3 2011, 00:33:37 UTC
I'm sorry Peg. It's wonderful that you are willing to let Delia make her own choices (I remember my mom and sister having a massive fight about mom making her be confirmed), but it's so hard going to church alone. My husband also does not go to church, so now I take our baby, but was alone before that.


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