QAF Ficlet: Always

Nov 23, 2005 22:20

I wrote this short little ficlet for severina2001's holiday wish list; she asked for "Brian/Justin fanfic... Something in which the boys are happy and there is possibly in-character schmoop." Since she's already read her present and told me she loved it, I decided to share it with the rest of my flist ( Read more... )

qaf fic

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Comments 49

rhiannonhero November 24 2005, 03:33:34 UTC
Ridiculously romantic! The love! Yay! :) Thanks, Peggin!


peggin November 24 2005, 04:09:03 UTC
I'm so happy you liked it!


shadownyc November 24 2005, 04:25:05 UTC
That's a terrific "in character" schmoop fic! I love quality schmoop. Thanks for sharing severina2001's gift with us. :D


peggin November 24 2005, 04:38:12 UTC
Thanks! I'm glad you liked it!


thistle90 November 24 2005, 05:18:54 UTC



peggin November 24 2005, 13:47:38 UTC


ayesakara November 24 2005, 05:40:56 UTC
How cute. Loved it! :)


peggin November 24 2005, 13:47:49 UTC


pat_t November 24 2005, 13:13:38 UTC
Hey, the funny thing about Brian (or is that awesome?) was that he could do romantic and just when you least expected it. I think that was one of the things that kept Justin a little off balance at times.


peggin November 24 2005, 13:54:29 UTC
Oh, totally. Brian does occasionally make these incredibly grand, ridiculously romantic gestures, but I think he also does a lot of things that, while they might not initially strike you as "romantic", really are. The problem is that Brian's version of "romance" can sometimes be a little... unique.

I always think of it kind of like in 304, when Ted goes to Emmett and talks about them getting a house together, and Ted goes on and on about how it's a great investment and stuff like that, Emmett understands what it is Ted is really trying to say and says that Ted's little speech about finances and investments was the most romantic thing he'd ever heard. I think it's kind of like that with Brian. You have to really look at his actions and consider the source, but once you do you can really see that he's doing romantic things all the time.


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