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Sep 17, 2011 16:43

[On a teeny tiny communicator made of acorns and fairy dust and BELIEF is Tim. Who has an acorn top as a hat. Oh and wings. He has wings, too. They're still for the moment, but they twitch and he lifts off his tiny branch in his very big tree every now and then, because HOW DO SIT STILL.]

Hey! Listen!

[No that's all you get for now. Timkerbell ( Read more... )

i do believe in fairies i do i do, fu admiral, timkerbell wants to be a real boy, port, [comm] lastvoyages

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Comments 46

SPAM batmanschmatman September 17 2011, 20:53:03 UTC
[Robin often found himself wandering through the woods, ~brooding~ and ~searching~ for anything that might be able to tell him what had happened to Summer. It was better to do it without Jon, who liked bringing up the subject of SHE'S DEAD MOVE ON WITH YOUR LIFE, which usually ended in bickering, and a practically rehearsed speech about how she was alive and he was going to find her, so he'd left Jon back in town while he'd head off.

This all meant that as the wind started blowing, he'd been a little distracted, caught up in his own thoughts, when something collided with his vest. Fortunately, his distraction didn't impede his reaction time, and he managed to catch whatever it was in both hands before it hit the ground.

It was a fairy, one he recognized, and he carefully brought his palms up to be more eye level with the little guy.]

Hi Tim. You okay?


SPAM peektuttut September 17 2011, 22:31:51 UTC
[He could have had a worse landing, Tim reasoned. He'd had worse in the past, and as he rolled over, trying to get to his feet, he managed to step on his wing. Yelping, Tim jumped, hovering with a few flaps before landing in Dick's hand again to inspect his wing. His hat was all askew.]

Been better, [he said in that high pitched voice that just means TINY THING TALKING.] Wait - Robin? [Hovering again! He r happy to see you, buddy.] Any luck finding your one true love?


SPAM batmanschmatman September 17 2011, 22:48:57 UTC
[Aww, he r happy to see you too. c:] Not yet. But as soon as I do, I'll bring her to introduce you.

[He looked him over quickly. He saw that accidental step on your wing.] How's your wing?


SPAM peektuttut September 17 2011, 23:59:52 UTC
You better, I want to see ho keeps you so busy looking. Want some fairy dust? It might help. I mean, maybe. I'm not exactly fool proof with it. [Pout. Wing rub. rub rub rub. Timk shrugs.] It'll be fine. Nothing tore!


Spam gotgreenmagic September 17 2011, 20:55:09 UTC
[Sherene hears a noise nearby, like a tiny musical instrument crashing into a solid object, and turns in its direction; immediately she spots something sparkling squished up against a tree branch. Cautiously, she approaches, and -

A fairy! How exciting. Very, very carefully, she dislodges him, cupping her fingers around him to shelter him from the wind.]


Spam peektuttut September 17 2011, 22:33:30 UTC
[Ohhh, his head. He must have lost his hat somewhere, but he feels like his pulls must be jumbling around his head, because for a few seconds his vision is blurry. Tim holds his head as he's lifted - then he realizes he's being lifted and curls up, arms out as if to fend off a particularly sympathetic attacker.] Nodon'teatme!


Spam gotgreenmagic September 17 2011, 22:45:50 UTC
[She looks bewildered for a moment, then shakes her head at him emphatically, opening her hands a little to show he's free to go if he wants. Silly, she's not going to eat you!]


Spam peektuttut September 18 2011, 00:14:34 UTC
[Tim peeked out from between his arms to catch that emphatic head shaking, and very slowly he uncurled, standing up to start brushing himself off.] Um - sorry about that, it was instinct, I guess. You're so big. I mean, I'm so small. I mean - where's my hat?

[He flattened both hands against his head, and took on a dismayed look.] Did you step on it? It looks like an acorn!


restoringhonor September 17 2011, 20:56:14 UTC
Listen to what? [WHY ARE YOU SO TINY. :|]


peektuttut September 17 2011, 22:35:14 UTC


restoringhonor September 18 2011, 14:41:19 UTC
[I DO. :|] Well, okay, I'm listening.


peektuttut September 18 2011, 16:14:43 UTC
...Do you know how to make me human?


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