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May 25, 2011 14:45

[Tim has been doing his damnedest to pretend everything's fine, and his damnedest is pretty good. Right now he's sitting at his desk, twirling something around his finger. It's his warden Item, his old school birdarang - which is just a stylized R shuriken. Don't ask how it works, just accept that it does. He's keeping it moving, though, so it's ( Read more... )

i'm fine i swear, shego's my background furniture, shego's my catwoman, nightmares suck, [comm] lastvoyages

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Comments 112

you called? ichoosefight May 25 2011, 18:49:34 UTC
Music, you say?


LOL peektuttut May 25 2011, 18:56:13 UTC


Like it would ever be that easy. ichoosefight May 25 2011, 19:01:08 UTC
I've got everything from Snow Patrol to Jimmy Eat World to Sweatshop Union. And some random classical music, courtesy of-- oh! And the Casablanca soundtrack, apparently.


Point. :| peektuttut May 25 2011, 19:02:18 UTC
Courtesy of...?


Spam gotgreenmagic May 25 2011, 19:05:20 UTC
Shego had been sleeping unusually lightly since the breach as it was - a leftover habit of 'Sherry's', maybe - but the sudden combination of noise and cold and the lurching mattress would have jolted her awake no matter what. Her hand fisted around the pillow, green energy circling her arm, and if not for her reduced powers it probably would've set on fire. In that wavering, sickly glow she saw Tim sitting bolt upright, muscles bunched with tension; she blinked, chasing away the few cobwebs not already burnt out by the shock.



Spam peektuttut May 25 2011, 19:18:01 UTC
When the light flared up, Tim jerked his arm up, somewhere between fending it off and lashing out - but he froze before doing anything stupid. The room was familiar, she was familiar, and he just needed a few seconds to make that transition. He wasn't in his old apartment. He was in his room at Wayne Manor. No, on the barge. He looked down at her, confused - an a moment later, he forced the tension out of his shoulders.

"Sorry," he muttered, dropping his face into his hand to scrub. "It was--" He waved his other hand; that it was a nightmare was pretty obvious.


Spam gotgreenmagic May 25 2011, 19:34:58 UTC
She was silent briefly, with no concept of what to do in this situation that would help, then reached over and fumbled around the nightstand until she found the switch for the lamp. With real light to see by, things didn't look a whole lot better or easier.

"It's okay." She sat up herself and leaned forward, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. "Not your fault."


Spam peektuttut May 25 2011, 20:40:18 UTC
He was pale and sweaty, but at least the lamp didn't make things look sickly. Tim rubbed a hand over his eyes and stiffened when she first touched him. His instinct had, for a long time, been to push people away when he was hurting, and it took effort not do give in and just shove her away. He kept his eyes closed and instead focused on his breathing. He should be able to calm his heart rate. He'd learned how years ago, but it just continued to pound away against his chest.

"Didn't mean to wake you," he said, because it felt like he should say something.


goodgrasshopper May 25 2011, 20:32:57 UTC
...Oh, that's terrible. We learned it as a Gregorian chant--I only wish I was joking. and I can never ever forget it. Which, I suppose, was the point of the exercise.

How about "In the Hall of the Mountain King?" I hear that's pretty good for getting things unstuck from your head. And there's a song from a video game Daniel used to play--Portal? It's a puzzle game. He used to let me watch if I promised to stay way back so I didn't fry the computer. Anyway, the song--"Still Alive"--it's catchy. If you can find it, that one's good for getting stuck in your head.

...You okay?


peektuttut May 25 2011, 20:47:06 UTC
Man, Portal. I loved that game. I never got around to finishing it. [THE THINGS HE HAS SACRIFICED FOR HIS LIFE AS A VIGILANTE. SO MANY VIDEO GAMES, GONE. ;;] I'll see if I can find that one, thanks.


Yeah, I'm fine. How's it feel, being Mrs. Conner Kent? [DEFLECTION.]


goodgrasshopper May 25 2011, 21:00:24 UTC
You're welcome. You should finish it if you get the chance. It looked like a lot of fun. [No computers for the wizard, though. Sob.]


[grin] I think Conner and I are going to talk to the admiral about an annulment. Not that he's not a great guy and all, but I don't really think either of us is ready to be married.

Considering we don't know each other that well, we've never dated, and he's--what--seventeen? Eighteen?


peektuttut May 25 2011, 21:16:47 UTC
Maybe the Admiral could get me a copy.


[Tim has to stifle a snort. What, Conner isn't sixteen anymore?] That's probably for the best. Unless you really want to start a club for Barge couples.


championoftime May 25 2011, 20:51:15 UTC
I have some Rolling Stones.

[Yes. He has some Rolling Stones. He actually listens to this.]


Tim, how are you feeling?


peektuttut May 25 2011, 21:04:36 UTC
Really? I didn't think they'd be your taste.


I'm fine. [He so is not. :|]


championoftime May 25 2011, 21:07:56 UTC
Why shouldn't they be? They gather no dust like a tumbleweed in the wind. [Just don't even. Your brain would be safer.]


[He called Bruce out on it and he'll call you.] I'm fine among Time Lords traditionally means, "I'm doing terribly but I don't wish for you to worry and I want to look fit."


peektuttut May 25 2011, 21:19:03 UTC
[...That is getting a snort.] What about the Clash, how do you feel about them?


[This is why the Doctor is an excellent Daddy 3.0. He's trying to joke about that.] I'll keep that in mind next time you say you're fine. [Deflection is not the best shield with psychics, is it.]


[Private] notarrowette May 25 2011, 22:42:52 UTC
The quadratic equation? Really?


[Private] peektuttut May 26 2011, 02:10:55 UTC
Mostly the tune.


[Private] ...Dang it LJ, why no notifs?? notarrowette May 26 2011, 03:14:03 UTC
Mmhm. [Yeah okay, she knows you too well.] What's wrong?


[Private] IDK but it's awful. :| peektuttut May 26 2011, 03:21:10 UTC
[Gdi. :|] Nothing.


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