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Feb 24, 2011 02:05

[Behold! Tim is capable of returning from a canon update without landing with a loud and resounding kerthunk on his floor. In fact, he is very comfortable sitting right here on his bed, device in hand.]

Hey. I'm back. [LIKE HE PROMISED. c: See guys, no reason to hate him forever.] What'd I miss?

[Private to Sylar]

Still mad at me?

[Private to ( Read more... )

happy tim what is this, dick gets a creative tag later, shego's my catwoman, braaaainz, vince go to rehab, [comm] lastvoyages

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Private gotgreenmagic February 24 2011, 07:45:05 UTC
[Your brief absence and lack of amnesia pleases irate girlfriend.]


...and yes.


Re: Spam gotgreenmagic February 26 2011, 18:49:53 UTC
[But neon, Tim. Neon. Weren't there some more badass words going around? :c But this comes from a man who unironically calls himself Red Robin so by those standards it's kind of a step up.]

Makes sense. I guess. So do they just....fight crime in brightly lit areas or what?


Re: Spam peektuttut February 26 2011, 18:58:22 UTC
[It's not his fault Gotham likes neon and crime and not burger chains. :c]

No, no, it's not a team, it's a foundation for kids. Teens, mostly, whose choices would otherwise be join a gang, or get hurt. There was a gang war a while ago, and I started the Knights during that; I got them to sign a contract, no violence, no fighting, and Wayne Enterprises sets them up with youth centers, jobs - it helped. And it actually had some staying power, so I launched it internationally. [He's almost used to the business talk by now.]


Spam gotgreenmagic February 26 2011, 19:02:45 UTC
[Oh. Well, that actually sounds like a genuinely good cause in a non-wacky way and Shego actually has some traces of a social conscience. But it's less fun to mock. Baww.]


[Nope, she can't do it. She cannot genuinely praise a charitable cause.]

If we ever wind up having a port in Gotham, I will totally donate a small portion of the proceeds from my criminal enterprises.


Spam peektuttut February 27 2011, 15:19:56 UTC
Aww, honey. You're so generous. [He won't point out that he couldn't actually take dirty money and keep the Knights going, but he's used to shutting his mouth on party pooper comments. So instead, smiling!]

I almost wish we could have a port in Gotham. Sometimes I wish you could see it.


Re: Spam gotgreenmagic February 27 2011, 15:44:30 UTC
[Oh shush, she knows that. :c Just accept the labyrinthine compliment, Tim. If she worked in an office she'd offer you a photocopier, this is just how she rolls.]

I would agree that might be fun, but then I remember the eleven thousand superheroes you've got and it starts to sound a whole lot less so. [Pause. Smirk.] Although I'd kind of love to watch you trying to introduce me to your Bat-dad.


Re: Spam peektuttut February 27 2011, 15:50:14 UTC
[And that gets an almost startled laugh, because when has he ever tried to introduce a girlfriend to Bruce? That...that would definitely be never. Though he saw that awkward and uncomfortable kiss with Lynx but that is on the list of THINGS TO NEVER MENTION here.]

You'd get to see me fumble over everything. I'll try not to mess up your name, at least. [Bruce hated Starfire and Dick was going to marry her. And she was a seven foot tall gold alien hero. So. Tim has his doubts. :c]


Re: Spam gotgreenmagic February 27 2011, 16:27:44 UTC
Appreciate it. If we ever end up on my world? I'm not even gonna take you to the same state as anyone in my family and you can just thank me in advance for sparing you.


Re: Spam peektuttut February 27 2011, 21:12:34 UTC
And here I was, looking forward to meeting potentially overprotective brothers. [He appreciates it. :c]


Re: Spam gotgreenmagic February 27 2011, 21:23:56 UTC
[Now it is Shego's turn for startled laughter, with a whole lot of incredulity thrown in.] Overprotective, are you kidding me? I walked out to go work for Drakken and they didn't know what I was doing - didn't even know where I was. They didn't even try to track me down.

[And if this bothers her at all, it doesn't show.]

Not overprotective, just annoying. Aaaand I haven't seen my parents for like five years, so. [A one-shouldered shrug.]


Re: Spam peektuttut February 28 2011, 03:00:25 UTC
[Tim's never been good at understanding how some people can be so laissez-faire about not seeing their parents, so the smile fades a little, and a frown forms between his eyebrows.] Well. Lame brothers, then.


Re: Spam gotgreenmagic February 28 2011, 12:43:09 UTC
[It's not that she's laissez-faire as such, it's more that she loved them but they've never attempted to get in touch with her or replied to the letters she sent at an early point in her villainous career, and she's forced to assume she's been disowned. Which is fair enough because being a supervillain is probably not what any reasonable parent would want for their child, but that doesn't make it suck any less. This is right at the top of the list of Things Shego Will Never Talk About To Anybody.]

But Go City's kind of stupid anyway, you're not missing anything. What's Gotham like? I mean, apart from up to its eyeballs in supervillainy. Do you, I dunno, have photos or anything?


Re: Spam peektuttut March 1 2011, 05:44:58 UTC
[Eventually, he will ask. And they will probably fight. :c]

Wait, wait, you guys named yourself after the city? [He will snicker where he can.]

Uhh, I think - wait, yeah. [He just has to pat himself down to find his phone, which is utterly useless here, but he keeps it anyway. And a few button taps later and he's got a gallery that is pretty big. Because it was taken for reconnaissance reasons. Ignore the incriminating photos of criminals in there, they've already been uploaded to Batcomputers.]

This is Aparo Park. It's kind of nice in winter. [Since Ivy never really lets anything die.] And that one's Wayne Enterprise's main building. I think I technically get an office there. Somewhere.


Re: Spam gotgreenmagic March 1 2011, 05:55:49 UTC
[She rolled her eyes.] Again, Shego is the name I pay my taxes with, I didn't choose it. And 'Team Go' so wasn't my idea.

[But she'll put that subject to one side and sling an arm around his shoulders so she can lean in and look at his phone. As expected, judging by the gigantic headquarters Wayne Enterprises looks like a big deal.] Since you're technically CEO I'd take that bet.


Re: Spam peektuttut March 1 2011, 16:15:11 UTC
Yeah, but you never asked your parents about it?

[It's the biggest deal. Tim snorts.] I've seen Bruce's office. It's half a floor.[The next few pictures he skips; they're of seedy looking bars, and seedier looking thugs.] Here; this is where I'm going to live. [It's the movie theater outside which Bruce's parents were shot. It's run down to the extreme.] Once it's fixed up.


Re: Spam gotgreenmagic March 1 2011, 16:58:41 UTC
[Your seedy photos are creepy, Tim.]

So what's with the theater? You too cool for a regular house?

[This coming from a woman who's lived in a succession of lairs over the last five years.]


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