➹ 49 | Voice

Dec 15, 2010 13:42

Right. I'll be in zero for the next week, if anyone needs me.

[Private to Dick]

Can you come grab my Item?

[Private to the Seventh Doctor]

[After seeing the Doctor's post.] ...Everything okay?

[Private to Cissie]

I just wanted to-- [Aaand that's when he realizes something's up. :c The rest is added once he finds out what's up.] And you're asleep. Which makes this easier and a lot more cowardly, I guess. I should just wait, but I need to get this out, even if I'm talking to myself. I'm talking to myself, great.

I'm sorry. I know a said - did a lot of tings last week that I never should have. You're not messed up. I didn't mean to even remotely imply that, and - I should have just written something.

I don't think I could ever think that of you, Cissie. You're the better person between us. I don't think I could have done what you did, back in Young Justice. I didn't do what you did.

I'll - just say this again when you're awake. Talking to yourself is the first sign, isn-- [Ahahaha he feels like a tool, so. Cutting himself off.]

[Private to Martha]

Hey. I was kind of a jerk to you - not kind of, I was a jerk. And that on top of not talking for a while. I'm really sorry, Martha. I shouldn't have been talking it out on you; you were just trying to help.

...Next week, want to watch a movie? Two AM or otherwise. I feel like it's been a while.

[Private to Stephanie]

[AAHAHAHAH AWKWARD. SO AWKWARD. But Tim is trying really hard to get this out without dealing with the mistletoe kiss on the way back tot he barge.]

I, uh. I'm sorry for blowing you off, last week. I meant to come back to my room when I left, I just.

...I'm sorry. For being a jerk.

[Santa :|]

Uh, okay. Dear Santa.

I heard most people got what they asked for last year, so I guess - why not. I could use a few good presents to go with these apologies.

For Shego - A necklace. Maybe diamonds? To make up for the hippy crap I got her at port.

For Cissie - A picture of everyone from Young Justice. Just - all of us together. Something to remind her that we were happy doing stupid stuff. And to show her I haven't forgotten either.

For Martha - New movies. Anything she hasn't been able to see since being here. And room to put them all. And a book of fairy tales. Some classics, but some really rare ones, too - maybe from other planets.

For the Seventh Doctor - A new sweater. With question marks. And maybe another umbrella.

For Steph - Uh. Just. God, I don't know - a brick in a bag no, never mi-- wait. Okay, yeah. A brick, and a pillow. And a note that says, 'next time you want to hit me, feel free to use the pillow. Please.'

For Dick - His 'Discowing' costume. And a note saying something along the lines that I'm happy our timeframes aren't that different.

For Nygma - Another green bowler hat.

For Molly, Iroh, and Vince - Glinda's wand for Molly, a pancake maker for Iroh (bonus points if it's...Hello Kitty, or something), and a book on rehabilitation for Vince. One that can't be burned, or torn up. Maybe he'll actually read it.

For Slade - Maybe just - some word that Rose is okay. And Joey. I wouldn't mind hearing, either.

For Sylar - Graduation? Or just - I don't know. Some sign, anything, that changing isn't bad. That he can be a good person without, I don't know, losing his identity. Without being mundane.

For Tom - A pad of paper, the kind with 'To-Do List' across the top of every sheet.

For Kirk - Some - what did they use to drink? Venusian brandy? Yeah, some of that. And an action figure of himself, I'm sure they must have been made.

((OOC: So as they came aboard, Tim and Steph got caught under some mistletoe. Shego saw. :c sob.))

dick (in a box), cissie might be the best of us, steph complicates things, martha the bamf, [comm] lastvoyages

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