➹ 08

Feb 14, 2010 20:12

This beats baseball with aliens in space.

I know a lot of guys who would love the way people act here, but this is going overboard. How many weddings and proposed marriages can there possibly be in three days? Three days isn't long enough.

Stop drinking things with names like 'Love at first sight.' That should be a huge warning label in and of

this shit is bananas, wtf barge, tim's the worst teenager ever, port, elizabeth fucking bennet, [comm] lastvoyages

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Private amissbennet February 15 2010, 01:15:46 UTC
How are you fairing? I dare say love in this place is not quite what I had imagined.. for I find myself in love with no one, and yet there is another in love with me. Though Dr. Hix believes that it is perhaps an accident of magics.


Spam amissbennet February 16 2010, 02:59:28 UTC
[Elizabeth smiled at him, entering gracefully and ensuring he was behind her. The waiter immediately came forward to began ushering them to a table; there was no question of how many there were, everything was assumed.]

"I hope that it will work out for you, Tim. You are a fine young man and I dare say you will make her happy." [To Elizabeth, this was not flirting in any way. It was speaking honestly with one of the few men she felt that she could.]


Spam peektuttut February 16 2010, 03:25:07 UTC
[It was nice to hear, actually. He spent most of his time beating himself up. Or letting other people beat him up. It's the way Bats deal with their emotions. Tim just ducked his head a little, barely keeping himself from blushing.]

Thanks, [he said as he sat.] Maybe it will. [He had his doubts. Relationships tended to end horribly for him.] What about you?


Spam amissbennet February 16 2010, 04:08:53 UTC
[Elizabeth nodded a bit, still bearing a smile.]

"I would place money on it if I were the sort to gamble!" [It seemed like a good thing to say.

Pursing her lips a moment, she felt it only fair to respond.] "There was a gentleman I thought I might be in love with, but it was not to be born. He was promised to another.." [She swallowed a bit and dropped her attention to her menu.] "I expect that when I return, I will be the subject of many an ugly rumor and then will continue, as before, to endeavor finding a man of civility whom I might love."


Spam peektuttut February 16 2010, 04:37:06 UTC
[He blinked for a moment at the lack of a Mister Darcy - but realized she probably hadn't...well. Finished her own book yet and nodded. This was incredibly weird sometimes.] Rumors aren't that bad. Just ignore them. They're not really worth the effort.


Spam amissbennet February 16 2010, 06:17:30 UTC
"Thank you, sir."

[She was oblivious to anything beyond her own coming to the Barge. Even having been given the book, she refused to read past her own life out of fear for what she might find.] "How have you been fairing on the Barge?"


Spam peektuttut February 16 2010, 15:47:23 UTC
[Tim nodded, smiling a little.] Yeah. It's been okay, so far. I've just been pretty bored, without an inmate. How long have you been there?


Spam - I love your icon selection, btw. amissbennet February 17 2010, 00:27:18 UTC
"Mm. Nearly four months now, I believe. I had be assigned to an inmate prior. The man somehow escaped the Barge without having graduated, however. I do not understand it, but I am happy if he has been returned home of his own design."

[Elizabeth spoke with a hint of sadness. She still felt that she had failed her inmate and often wondered if it was worth remaining.]


Spam -Thanks! I'm just glad the new art is pretty again. :] peektuttut February 17 2010, 01:27:30 UTC
[Tim shifted, frowning a little.] I've heard of inmates doing that. Well, read about it, in other entries. Maybe it's the Admiral, deciding they shouldn't be here now. Or maybe he makes mistakes in taking some people, and tries to fix it.


Spam amissbennet February 17 2010, 02:48:24 UTC
"Perhaps. I felt that I could have done more for him." [She replied quietly, then smiled and tried to change the subject to something more pleasant again.]

"Have you made many friends here?"


Spam peektuttut February 17 2010, 02:56:16 UTC
[He shrugged, and nodded.] Maybe. But there's no way to know, now.

[Tim tilted his head to the side, lifting one shoulder in half a shrug.] I've met a few people. I don't know how many would call themselves friends, but it's been pleasant enough.


Spam amissbennet February 17 2010, 07:33:05 UTC
[Elizabeth nodded, understanding his sentiment on pleasant acquaintances versus friends all too well. The first response she mostly disregarded for her own happiness at present.]

"Would you tell me of your time, sir? That is, if you do not have a particular design for our conversation. I find that I am too ignorant of other generations, however, and desire to change such."


Spam peektuttut February 17 2010, 07:36:59 UTC
When I'm from? Uh, yeah, okay. [He paused for a moment, trying to remember just when Pride and Prejudice was set.] Well...the city I'm from, Gotham, is pretty huge. There are tall buildings, some fifty stories high at least. It's very...commercial. Loud. Something's always happening. Not always something good, but...[He shrugged.] There are department stores - where you can get all your shopping done in one place - a ton of schools-- [He'd been to most of them.] It even has a university.


Spam amissbennet February 17 2010, 18:08:39 UTC
[The girl sat with her hands now folded innocently in her lap, attentive to his descriptions.]

"It sounds amazing." [She replied with a hint of envy. What else was there to say, really? She couldn't even comprehend it all.] "Do you have any paintings? Or, pictures, rather? I had hoped to learn so much more in coming to this place."


Spam peektuttut February 17 2010, 19:27:55 UTC
Yeah, I have a few with me. [And he'd have to lock away whatever crime scene pictures might still be on his laptop.] I'll show you, when we get back to the Barge. Do you have any from home?


Spam amissbennet February 17 2010, 23:54:56 UTC
"None at all." [She replied sadly, dropping her eyes a moment.

Elizabeth opened her mouth to speak again but refrained when a waiter approached to pour them each some wine and to leave the bottle for them. She waited until they had left to look at him and begin speaking again.]

"I have a few very poorly made portraits, of my eldest sister and my sister Lydia with her husband." [She wouldn't bother to explain that, as if the gentleman might not already be aware.]


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