Now that we've dealt with the grotesqueries

Sep 25, 2006 16:25

I'll start my arguments with a word from Thomas Paine: He that would make his own liberty secure, must guard even his enemy from opposition; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach himself.How about the more subtle aspects of the White House Torture Bill ( Read more... )

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Comments 16

Why Do They Hate US??? drieuxster September 28 2006, 21:30:10 UTC

What annoys the piss out of me is that we really should not have to blog this stuff. Which part of, "this should just be the patently obvious" part of the Drill....

Maybe we SHOULD just restart the draft, draft them all, put them in Uniform, and Boot Stomp them through GMT on these issues until they are actually aware of what is and what is NOT already covered under the UCMJ...

What in the world happened to all of that smoke up our skirts about 'support the troops'????


Re: Why Do They Hate US??? pecunium September 28 2006, 21:43:47 UTC
Because we are the "good guys" and we'd never use this power for evil.

As soon as the rest of the world realises what swell guys we are, we can throw these tools away, but until then we have to beat them senseless, and lock them up for ever, even if we happen to hurt/disappear a few innocents, so that we can make them free.

No, I am not in a good mood today, why do you ask?




Re: Why Do They Hate US??? drieuxster September 28 2006, 22:29:47 UTC

Due to the Legal Constraints of A Prior NDA filed with the Federal Government, that can be found in Title 10, I am not at liberty to BORE YOU TO TEARS with why this subject makes me PROFESSIONALLY CRANKY!!!

I of course blame tongedon for making me read your piece - and it really does not make me feel any happier about the fact that so few americans understand the process by which information is collected, correlated, analysed and turned into Actionable Information with associated OpPlans, and the obligatory Logistical Tail....

They some how think all of that just happens in a Dinner Jacket while dancing the Tango, and drinking Martini's....


oh yes, the technical term you meant to use, was "decompose the information in the container" - as the information takes precedence over the container.... but alsa will decompose just as rapidly...


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