Now that we've dealt with the grotesqueries

Sep 25, 2006 16:25

I'll start my arguments with a word from Thomas Paine: He that would make his own liberty secure, must guard even his enemy from opposition; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach himself.How about the more subtle aspects of the White House Torture Bill ( Read more... )

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tongodeon September 26 2006, 20:34:50 UTC
I don't give you nearly the props that I should for the detailed write-ups that you've been doing. I'd like to pimp your blog in general and my post in particular. Do I recall correctly that you're a former interrogator or served in the military in some capacity?


pecunium September 27 2006, 03:24:35 UTC
I am a current interrogator, in the National guard.

Feel free to link.



tongodeon September 27 2006, 17:59:46 UTC
CID or .... drieuxster September 28 2006, 21:31:31 UTC

Forgive me for picking hairs... Old Bad Habit from debriefings...


Re: CID or .... pecunium September 28 2006, 21:41:56 UTC
97E, Human Intelligence Collector (god, what a horrible thing that is to write). I am an interrogator, not a member of CID.



Re: CID or .... drieuxster September 28 2006, 22:25:15 UTC

thanks for the MOS.

And WHO writes those "job description title" anyway???

Useless clue - if everyone agrees that they know what the Job Description Title Means, then it is clearly not what is in the title, and is the old school.... Ah yes, "Human Intelligence Collector" - no wonder those fruit bats want the trade to fall outside of the scope of Information Acquisiton And Analysis and simply be the MOS for torturer.


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