Нам пишут авторы формата, токийцы Марк Дитхам и Астрид Кляйн:
Dear PechaKucha City Organizers,
We remain in Tokyo, the situation at the reactors has stablized, but the situtation around the coast and at the epicenter of the quake remains very difficult with 440,000 people homeless in evacuation centers. The death toll is still climbing. It has been a tough 10 days for us all mentally just coming to terms with things, aftershocks rattling us (there was another three mag 5's this morning) and the foreign press going into meltdown about the nuclear situation unnecessarily . Monday was a national holiday and today Tuesday Tokyo got back to a 'new normal' and we tried to get on with life.
As I mentioned in the note last week many people have been suggesting organizing another Global PechaKucha Day for Japan similar to the event lastyear for Haiti. After lots of discussion we have decided to GO FOR IT and have fixed Saturday 16th April - that's in just over 3 weeks time.
We are planning to make it much simpler than last time so don't panic - just read on ;-)
Japan has been a inspired the creative world for many generations - now it is time for the creative world to inspire Japan to rebuild. That amongst this devastation there is light - and we want everyone to know that the world is with them.
So will will name the day
Global PechaKucha Day - Inspire Japan
As many cities as possible should try and run PechaKucha events in their communities on the 16th April
It doesn't have to be at your usual venue - it could be at a school or even at your home.
The key thing is for as many cities to participate as possible.
The broad theme of the presentations should be 'inspiration' or Inspire Japan, but presentation that relate to the issues at hand are also important. Door donations go to Architecture for Humanity's Rebuild (AHF) Japan Plans which they are beginning to drawing up with many advisors in Japan.We partnered with AFH for Haiti and they have really delivered with 100% of our donations going to build a school.
http://www.pecha-kucha.org/presentations/220We know some of you cannot change your dates in April, we know some of you are already planning charity events before and after the 16th - please don't worry, keep steaming a head, we will make sure you are a part of it all. But for those who haven't fixed anything yet please think about joining Global PechaKucha Day by organizing an event. It would be great if they were all full blown PechaKucha Night, but modest at home parties are equally valid with just a few presenters around a laptop.
We are going to ask you to broadcast your event by Ustream.tv - it is very simple all you will need is an internet connection and laptop with mic and camera. We are preparing an instruction video to show you how - again it is very simple. These live feeds will be shown on the main Global PechaKucha Day website. We hope that we will generate 24hrs of streaming presentation.
Last year we found it was technically very difficult to connect and talk to all cities and well as stream presentations. So this time it will be very simple - you will stream - and we will follow you by posting your stream on the front page of the global site.
PechaKucha is free we don't take a percentage of door fees, or yearly fee from you to run the organization, it is all currently supported by Klein Dytham. PechaKucha started in Japan and has spread to 396 cities inspiring many many people. We hope you can all help inspire Japan in their moment of need by supporting Global PechaKucha Day - Inspire Japan.
We will be sending more details in the next few days and hope to have a web site up in the next 24 hours.
Love and respect from the whole team at PechaKucha HQ, Tokyo
Thanks as always for your amazing PechaKucha spirit.
Astrid and Mark
PechaKucha Night Founders
В глобальной Печа-куче в помощь Японии мы участвуем однозначно, а вот каким образом - сообщим вам в самое ближайшее время.