White Day Remix

Feb 21, 2008 20:36

This is the sign up post for the White Day Remix. :DDDDD

All comments are screened. Please tell us what fic you are planning on remixing -- this does not have to be a set-in-stone decision, but don't just pick a fic on a whim, either. Multiple people can remix the same fic.

Sign ups are open until Sunday, February 24th, so you have another few days to choose and plan.

Here are your fics to choose from:

Backup Valentine (Kame/Yamapi, Jin/Kame, R)
Chocolate and Pancakes (Jin/Yamapi, NC-17)
Don't Blame Yourself Only (Jin/KAT-TUN, NC-17)
Five Times NewS Members Give Each Other Valentines (NewS, PG-13)
Four Valentines Aiba Made Memorable for Jun (And One he Made for Aiba) (Aiba/Jun, G-R)
The Grand Masters of Squish (Shige/Kusano, Shige/Koyama)
Hitori de (Alone) (Ryo/Ryo, NC-17)
In Every Life I've Lived: (6) The Sea For Green Fields (Jin/Yamapi, Koyama/Shige, NC-17)
J-Gen (gen, PG)
The Lines We Travel (Jin/Kame, PG)
Melted Chocolate (Jin/Yamapi, PG-13)
Promises (Ryo/Uchi, G)
Satisfaction (Ryo/Shige, PG)
Shot Through the Heart (Jin/Yamapi, NC-17)
Stop Pretending (Jin/Yamapi, PG-13-ish)
Tokyo and Osaka's Master Plan, It's Big News: The Valentine's Espionage Spectacular (gen-ish, G)
Untitled (Jin/Kame, PG)
Untitled (Jin/Yamapi, R-ish)
Valentine's Chocolate (Tegoshi/Koki, G-ish)
Valentine's Day Cards, Courtesy of Nishikido Ryo (with the help of Happy Bunny) (gen, PG-13)
With Its Wing (Ryo/Tegoshi, NC-17)

Information on how a remix works is found at the previous post. You have until March 14th to write -- the third and last post will go up at that time, at which point you can post and comment with your entries.

Good luck, and have fun!

Beth and jemz

i challenge you!

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