Late to the party

Oct 21, 2012 00:34

Okay, IR. I watched Avengers.

Catch me up!

(I've been spending too much time on Tumblr. I went to tag this post and then remembered that on LJ you do all your typing in the post itself. How backwards is that?)

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Comments 17

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peanutbutterer October 22 2012, 00:38:36 UTC
Ooo. Thanks for the links!


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phrenitis October 21 2012, 23:58:35 UTC
(Say yes, PB. Say yes! *hopes*)


peanutbutterer October 22 2012, 00:40:19 UTC


peanutbutterer October 22 2012, 00:39:52 UTC
I ship them. Possibly fannishly. I was hoping you could direct me to the things most likely to make me a full fledged fangirl.


redbrunja October 21 2012, 19:06:20 UTC

For check up fic purposes I would suggest taking a lot at het_reccers (as one does) and if you're looking for either Darcy/Steve or Clint/Natasha (oh my god, my head has been pretty much Clint/Natasha since I saw the movie) I'd love to recommend things.

What are you looking for towards getting caught up? Like, fic, do you need icons, what?


peanutbutterer October 22 2012, 00:44:58 UTC
Thank you! Glad to be here ;)

Darcy/Steve? Darcy from Thor? I haven't seen all related movies. Have they met or is this a fandom creation?

Probably just Clint/Natasha, but I'm open to all fabulous fics at this point.

I shall head to het_reccers, for sure.


redbrunja October 22 2012, 01:51:37 UTC
To start off, read we were emergencies.

Here is a link to my clint/natasha tag on tumblr and here is my avengers tag on diigo.

Also, Darcy/Steve is totally fannon, but I find it delightful.


peanutbutterer October 22 2012, 14:00:59 UTC
IR recc'd that one too, and HOLY COW it has a lot of traffic/feedback. I'll definitely be checking that out. And your tags as well. Thanks!


miera_c October 22 2012, 01:21:58 UTC
Be warned. This thing will eat your brain. I speak from experience.

Astrid's master post of rec's:

She has a lot of Natasha/Clint fic as well as other stuff. This is my current favorite, a Steve Rogers gen fic that doesn't shy away from how messed up he has to be at this point:


peanutbutterer October 22 2012, 14:01:37 UTC
I don't know if eating my brain is a good thing or a bad thing. On one hand, I miss that - on the other hand... life.

Will check out these links!


sunny_serenity October 22 2012, 03:48:30 UTC
if you're on the super sexy spies yacht you should check out be_compromised or ALL THE THINGS I REC'D under my adventures in space bros tag. the love reminds me of the golden days of sparky except without the internal wank.


peanutbutterer October 22 2012, 14:01:56 UTC
Great! Thank you :)


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