Fic: The Fold

Feb 08, 2011 14:18

Title: The Fold
Fandom: Fringe
Rating: G
Character: Olivia
Pairing: None
A/N: A brief tag to "Concentrate and Ask Again"


The Fold )

tv: fringe, fic: fringe

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Comments 5

phrenitis February 9 2011, 02:34:57 UTC
First off, I LUFF YOU SO HARD. Fringe fic! *flail*

Second, oh, my heart! I feel for all of them right now - Olivia, who so badly wants Peter's feelings to be for her. Peter, who so badly wants his feelings to be for Our Olivia. And AltLivia, who so badly wants to not have feelings for Peter at all. (At least, I'm guessing on that - we'll know next week!)

This is a lovely look at Olivia's struggle. Wanting someone to blame, but the situation being way more complicated (or really, too painfully simple) for resolution. And Charlie! Even mere reference of him makes me happy. :)



peanutbutterer February 9 2011, 04:27:59 UTC

Alt!Livia lurves him. I'm sure of it! (And, actually, writing this made me like Alt!Livia a little more. I am a terrible person! I will have to rewatch the episode where she needlessly kills a deaf guy to curb these swelling positive feelings.)

Charlie! If they blow up that universe, they better snag Charlie first.


phrenitis February 9 2011, 21:52:03 UTC
Eeeeeeeee!! My very own peanutbutterer Fringe fic! *loves it so*

And I'm pretty sure the developing AltLivia feelings are only going to get more complicated with the upcoming episodes - it's just not Fringe if the choices are easy. ;)

Still love the way you incorporated Charlie - so true that Olivia would question AltLivia's nature. How could Charlie, even Charlie Over There, be wrong? Love!


peanutbutterer February 10 2011, 05:18:18 UTC
I know! We're just going to get to know her more and I'm going to start liking her more and more and more and Olivia is going to seem more boring than evah! (And I actually like Olivia so that is sad!)

I always thought of Charlie as Olivia's Francie (best friend brutally murdered and replaced with evil clone) but really he's more like her Francie and her Will combined. He was her everything as far as friends go, and he was her partner. When she lost him she was left with nothing. Yes, she has Astrid and maybe that will develop into something more resembling a friendship, but I don't really see it. They're great colleagues, but something for me just doesn't click between them. And Peter certainly doesn't fill the BFF slot in her life. Olivia needs her S3 Weiss to show up!

/end Alias comparisons

It's really not fair that Alt!Livia gets Charlie AND Lincoln.


lone_pyramid February 11 2011, 01:37:29 UTC
I really, really want to hate Altlivia but, ack! You're right, she is just fighting to save her universe.

And, oh, this just makes your heart break for Olivia, who just wants the war to end and just wants Peter and is who is so afraid that she's going to lose both to a "better" her. *sads x a million*


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