Supernatural Sketch Roundup

Dec 09, 2007 23:35

Here is a collection of 10 Supernatural sketches that I've done that were embedded in other posts. They range from G to R and may contain wincest and other Sam and Dean pairings, you have been warned. Image heavy.

Under Here )

sam/other, sam/dean, dean/gordon, dean/other, spn art, dean, weechesters, sketches, john, sam

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Comments 64

anonymous December 10 2007, 22:48:22 UTC
While these are all really good I particularly love Quarterback Sam and Dean and transformed Sam. QB Sam is hot and sexy and Transformed Sam is so schmoopy and cuddly!


peach_gurl December 11 2007, 00:39:45 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you like them <3


jezdenly December 10 2007, 22:55:41 UTC
Oh my gosh, there is so much awesomeness in this post! I can't decide which I like better - Quarterback Sam or Hustler Sam and Dean. AMAZIIINGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!


peach_gurl December 11 2007, 00:41:21 UTC
Thank you!!! :D


nimenic December 11 2007, 00:00:00 UTC
These are awesome! I love your Sam. He's gorgeous and so much love for Dean's squirrel cheeks! :)


peach_gurl December 11 2007, 00:42:41 UTC
Sam is much easier for me to draw, that's why he turns out so fabulous. lol


thehighwaywoman December 11 2007, 00:11:42 UTC
SO gorgeous. *adores* I especially love the wee!Chester Halloween -- adorablecakes!


peach_gurl December 11 2007, 00:45:33 UTC
I'm glad so many people like it! I did that one while I was at work, I wasn't sure it'd turn out so great because I never draw kids.


nght_wlkr December 11 2007, 00:15:12 UTC
Wow! These are really good! My favorites are the Winchester family one, the wee!chester costume one, the quarterback Sam one, and the transformed Sam one. Do you have a fic that goes with the transformed one?


peach_gurl December 11 2007, 00:38:47 UTC
Thank you! And no, I don't have a fic for that picture, joosetta gave me the prompt idea.


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