
May 16, 2007 11:46

I am current knee deep in the worst art block ever! Every little line I have put to paper is crap, all my ideas are crap, and it's really depressing me. I haven't turned out a decent bit of anything in a month.

Somebody give me a Supernatural prompt, I don't care how crazy it is. Save me D:

sam/dean, dean, requests, sam, spn art

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Comments 12

junkeemunky May 16 2007, 16:54:49 UTC
Dude, do a picture of those sexy brothers in water, like a stream or something just big enough to get them all nice and wet, and make it all awesome and night time. mmmmmm.....


peach_gurl May 18 2007, 05:46:29 UTC
Wow, I really liked the image you gave me! This was so fun to draw, I don't really care for the way it came out (like a 30 min pic), but that's alright.

... )


joosetta May 16 2007, 17:00:29 UTC
Dean being unsettled by something fuzzy and adorable! (this can be Sam in some shape or form ;P). I just love the facial expressions you give Dean.

Ugh and I know the feeling, sometimes you just stare and stare at a piece of paper and nothing comes :(.


peach_gurl May 18 2007, 05:50:36 UTC
Okay, I have no idea what Sam turned into... XD

Omgoodness, I wanted to throw my sketchbook away! But this definitely helped me, and it's fun.

... )


joosetta May 18 2007, 20:16:38 UTC
AWWWW DEAN! His expression is just ADORABLE. And I love little foxferretkitten!Sam and his mournful little eyes. Ooooh ♥. Thank you for this :D.


balefully May 16 2007, 17:04:45 UTC

I may have a thing for the hooker cliche. :( Just maybe. Them all sultry and leaning agaist a skanky wall in tight clothes, desperate for money to tide them over between fradulent credit cards...msaogidnhosinhaeod.


peach_gurl May 19 2007, 05:05:29 UTC
Wee, I looooove hooker Sam and Dean, with a fiery, burning passion!

... )


balefully May 19 2007, 11:59:15 UTC


That is so gorgeous, I do not even know where to START. BELLIES AND HIPS! THE UNDIES! SAM'S JEANS AND HAIR!

But there are the EXPRESSIONS ON THEIR FACES which are SO PERFECT aodgnoaslfhniPASginh.

You are a genius kthx. <3333


winterlive May 20 2007, 23:42:57 UTC


stellamoon May 16 2007, 18:16:58 UTC
For me it usually works best to do a little something completely different than the item you're wanting to work on. It's like a vacation, or a chance to recharge a little. When I feel like that, I try to draw something really, really easy, and then just bask in the success! That's often enough to break the block - it puts me in a creative mood.

The other ideas I could offer are to go back to something you did a long time ago, and re-do it, or copy the work of a famous artist - just for fun.

I'm not into Supernatural, so I can't give you any prompt ideas. Sorry. I've only seen the show twice.


peach_gurl May 19 2007, 05:07:31 UTC
Thank you! I think I'm gonna try the second thing you suggested, that should make me feel good about myself at least. ♥


stellamoon May 19 2007, 11:32:23 UTC
Do you mean going back and re-doing something you did a long time ago? I've actually done this and have been pleasantly surprised by the improvement. It's really rather empowering. A great ego boost!


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