(super junior) there is no combination of words I could say

Apr 25, 2012 21:31

there is no combination of words I could say
Kyuhyun/Zhou Mi, G, Super Junior, ~1190 words. 
“I don’t want you to forget what I sound like when I say I love you,” Zhou Mi says later that night, as they lie in bed. Kyuhyun threads their hands together.

“I love you,” Zhou Mi says when Kyuhyun wakes up, eyes impossibly earnest.

“I love you,” Zhou Mi says over breakfast, which is Kyuhyun’s favourite: pancakes and strawberries.

“I love you,” Zhou Mi says in the shower, as they kiss.

“I love you,” Zhou Mi says when Kyuhyun leaves for class.

Kyuhyun stays silent each time.

Kyuhyun meets Zhou Mi the summer after his accident.

He meets Zhou Mi at his speech therapy sessions; they have the same doctor, and Kyuhyun’s appointments are always before Zhou Mi’s. Their doctor introduces them to each other after two weeks.

“Kyuhyun-sshi, this is Zhou Mi,” Dr. Lee says. “Zhou Mi, this is Cho Kyuhyun. You’re about the same age, so I thought you two could get to know each other a little.”

Zhou Mi stands up and bows. “It’s nice to meet you,” he chirps in accented Korean. Kyuhyun nods shyly in reply, not trusting his voice just yet. He pulls out his writing pad, and flips to the sixth page.

It’s nice to meet you too.

Zhou Mi beams; Kyuhyun’s heart absolutely does not skip a beat.

Zhou Mi is the first person, who isn’t his doctor, that Kyuhyun speaks to after his accident.

He walks out of the doctor’s office, feeling accomplished for the first time in weeks: the session had gone well. Zhou Mi is seated outside, freakishly long legs stretched out in front of him; his expression is morose, but he smiles when he sees Kyuhyun.

“Hello, Kuixian!”

Kyuhyun stares at him for a long moment.

“Hello,” he says finally.

They go on their first date the winter after Kyuhyun’s accident.

Zhou Mi’s hand is warm, just like his smile. Kyuhyun hides his blush under his scarf.

Zhou Mi tells Kyuhyun about his condition one month after their first date.

“They- the doctors- don’t know what’s wrong with me,” he says, eyes dark and sad. “It was manageable at first. There was medicine I could take, but- I’m a music student. Singing is everything to me. So I kept practicing, and one day...my left vocal chord is completely paralysed now. Even now, they still don’t know-”

“-Enough,” Kyuhyun says fiercely, grabbing his hand. He kisses Zhou Mi. “Enough.”

Three months after their first date, Kyuhyun moves in with Zhou Mi.

Kyuhyun sits on Zhou Mi’s bed - their bed- and stares at their closet, which is practically overflowing with Zhou Mi’s things, with Kyuhyun’s clothes interspersed in between. A slow smile spreads across his face.

Zhou Mi walks in, fringe clipped back. “Kuixian, what are you doing?” he whines, laughing as he pulls Kyuhyun to his feet. “I’m not going to unpack everything for you!”

Kyuhyun grins, and pulls him down into a kiss. He falls back onto the bed, taking Zhou Mi with him.

“Maybe we should take a break,” he whispers against Zhou Mi’s lips, hands already creeping under Zhou Mi’s t-shirt.

Zhou Mi’s laughter echoes through their apartment.

They fall into an easy routine.

Zhou Mi cooks, because the first time Kyuhyun tries, he almost sets fire to the kitchen. Kyuhyun does their taxes, and there’s something oddly domestic about sitting at the dining table, surrounded by bills, with Zhou Mi humming in the background as he cooks dinner.

If Kyuhyun’s honest with himself, he kind of likes it.

Six months after Kyuhyun moves in with Zhou Mi, Zhou Mi loses his voice completely.

“We can only hope for the best,” Dr. Lee says softly.

It’s Zhou Mi carrying around the writing pad now, and after the first week, Kyuhyun starts using a writing pad too.

It doesn’t feel right if it’s just me talking.

Zhou Mi smiles sadly. Kyuhyun feels hopeless under his solemn gaze.

The apartment is mostly silent.

Two months after Zhou Mi loses his voice, it comes back.

Their relief is almost palpable, and the apartment is full of noise again. They pin up a writing pad to their fridge, and leave each other silly messages every day.

Kyuhyun starts learning mandarin. Zhou Mi is delighted, and they practice after dinner while they wash the dishes, awkward stilted conversations that nearly always end with laughter.

Zhou Mi sticks glow in the dark stars on the ceiling, and at night, Kyuhyun stares at them while Zhou Mi sleeps curled around him, face buried in the crook of his neck. He traces the characters for 爱 and 周觅, over and over again, until he sees them even with his eyes closed, like phosphenes dancing across his eyelids.

Three months later, Dr. Lee calls them in.

“There is a specialist from America who has come up with a diagnosis that fits. It’s treatable, but it requires surgery. Unfortunately, there’s a chance that you could lose your voice permanently.”

Zhou Mi’s grip on Kyuhyun’s hand is so tight, it’s hurts.

“And if I don’t have the surgery?”

“You lose your voice anyway.”

Zhou Mi chooses to have the surgery.

“I love you,” Zhou Mi says when Kyuhyun wakes up, eyes impossibly earnest.

“I love you,” Zhou Mi says over breakfast, which is Kyuhyun’s favourite: pancakes and strawberries.

“I love you,” Zhou Mi says in the shower, as they kiss.

“I love you,” Zhou Mi says when Kyuhyun leaves for class.

Kyuhyun stays silent each time.

“I want to say it as much as I can now,” Zhou Mi explains one night, when they’re curled in front of the television, a soppy romantic drama playing in the background. Kyuhyun is sitting in Zhou Mi’s lap, pressed against Zhou Mi’s chest, and every time Zhou Mi speaks, Kyuhyun presses closer, so he can commit every inflection of Zhou Mi’s voice to memory.

“I don’t want you to forget what I sound like when I say I love you,” Zhou Mi says later that night, as they lie in bed. Kyuhyun threads their hands together.

In the dark, he listens to Zhou Mi cry himself to sleep.

The world can be awfully cruel sometimes, Kyuhyun learns.

Zhou Mi goes into surgery two years after Kyuhyun first meets him.

“I love you,” Zhou Mi says before the nurses come in to take him away. His voice breaks slightly, and Kyuhyun chokes back a sob.

Four hours later, Dr. Lee comes out of surgery, expression unreadable. Kyuhyun stands up when he walks in, anxious and exhausted.

“Is he- will he be able to-?”

Dr. Lee’s face melts into a smile; he nods.

Kyuhyun falls to the floor, and lets himself cry for the first time since Zhou Mi first lost his voice.

When Zhou Mi comes to, Kyuhyun is fast asleep next to him, head pillowed on his hands, which are resting on top of his. He smiles tiredly, and carefully reaches over to thread his hand through Kyuhyun’s hair.

Kyuhyun’s eyes flutter open, and Zhou Mi looks at him expectantly.

Kyuhyun’s smile is all the answer he needs.

Later, after Dr. Lee has spoken to them both, Kyuhyun reaches over and grabs Zhou Mi’s hand.

我爱你, he traces onto the skin on the back of Zhou Mi’s hand.

Some things don’t need to be voiced.

This is an AU that doesn't really make sense. Mostly, I just wanted domestic QMi, with Kyuhyun tracing 'I love you' in Chinese onto Zhou Mi's skin. Also, Zhou Mi's vocal chord situation genuinely breaks my heart. This is unbetaed, and I am seriously sleep deprived right now, so any mistakes are my own! Title from Jack Johnson's 'Better Together'. ♥

fandom: super junior, length: oneshot, rating: pg, pairing: kyuhyun/zhou mi, genre: au

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