Breaking Stereotypes

Jul 12, 2013 11:07

Someone recently sent me this meme and it makes complete sense to me. It highlights one of the main stereotypes of Russians - that they're cold and emotionless. In my first Russian post, I essentially said the same thing after observing average Russians on the street. I've watched many speeches by Putin and it's true that his expression rarely changes. I spent New Year's Eve last year with Russian speakers, watching Russian holiday programs and Putin's New Year's speech to the nation. It was completely bizarre that on a festive occasion he displayed no smile or enthusiasm, standing there like a robot reading off a teleprompter. In contrast, Obama is perhaps one of our most emotional Presidents. He's stern when necessary but also shows signs of emotion, crying or laughing in speeches as the subject dictates. He's often photographed playing with his kids, going on dates with his wife, or drinking a beer. I like it. It makes him human and people easily relate to him. It has nothing to do with the politics of our respective nations and leaders, but rather to personalities and the way we interact with one another.

One of the main purposes of  my blog is to help bridge the gap between Russians and Americans, to help us better understand one another and our cultures. So this weekend let's have an honest and open discussion about stereotypes.

Each year at my apartment pool we have foreign lifeguards who come to America on work/travel programs sponsored by the U.S. government. I was speaking with a Serbian guard yesterday who told me about his "crazy" Russian roommate. "She's crazy." These are the only words he used to describe her. Obviously I don't think you're all crazy, or I wouldn't take the time to write here and communicate with you. But it's a common perception of Russians - that "they're crazy." :) Here are some others, broken down by gender:

Russian Men

- Raging alcoholics, drinking vodka at all hours of the day
- Chauvinistic
- More aggressive than American men
- Many are part of the Russian mob, driving around in black SUV's

Russian Women

- All are beautiful
- They are always dressed up, wearing heels and make-up
- They are very easy and slutty
- Desperate to marry a Westerner
- Happy to stay at home, pop out babies and make dinner for husbands
- Mail order brides

I don't really know many Russian stereotypes about American men, but I suspect the following are at the top of the list for American women:

- We're ugly
- We take no pride in appearance
- We're "manly", having lost all sense of femininity
- We emasculate men
- We're all raging feminists :))

On the gender front, there's absolutely no doubt that gender roles are more clearly defined in Russia. In the States, male/female roles are often blurred in relationships. I don't necessarily think this is a good thing, but it's a result of the feminist movement. Despite the accusations of many, I'm not a feminist. Men and women each bring unique attributes to relationships, and it becomes complicated when there are power struggles at every level. However, I don't believe a woman's sole place should be in the kitchen or changing diapers. We're much more than that, and can compete with men on an intellectual and professional level. I make more money than almost every man I've dated, really have no desire to have children, and am happy to pump my own gas. Would it be a problem for a Russian man? Maybe? And I'm very independent. I don't expect a man to pay for everything, constantly buy me things, or show other signs of superficial affection. It's not a way to express love in my opinion. This doesn't mean that I don't like a bouquet of flowers or other surprises on occasion, but it's not something I demand out of a partner. I'm not sure how to find a happy medium with gender roles. I suppose when the right person comes along, it will not even be an issue.

With respect to America as a whole, I think the stereotypes are as follows:


- Americans are stupid, and know nothing about other countries or cultures
- We're fake, with smiles constantly plastered on our faces
- We're all fat, eating fast food everyday
- We live in a police state under a zionist government
- All black people in America are sitting around eating fried chicken and watermelon, living off of welfare and/or are thugs
- Americans are all carrying guns, ready to shoot each other at a moment's notice
- There are tons of gay people engaged in public displays of affection at every corner

And for Russia, I will say only that the country is perceived by many outsiders as being totally corrupt, with a government controlled by money/bribes.

What do you think? What are the most common stereotypes about Americans? And for those who have actually traveled to the States, did you have a different perception of us after the visit? Which stereotypes were confirmed and which broken?

I constantly write about my impressions of Russia/Russians, so it's time for your input on Americans and my nation. :) Next week, I'll return to travel posts. I didn't have time this week to organize and process photos.

america, США, comparison, Америка, russia, stereotypes, Россия

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