Happy Birthday America!

Jul 03, 2013 20:58

Copyright Capitol Concerts

The Fourth of July - a wonderful holiday in America! Throughout the nation, friends and family gather to celebrate our Independence Day. Those who regularly read me know I'm a great patriot. I've traveled to many countries throughout the world, but there's no other place I wish to call home. To me America is a beautiful and soulful nation, full of kind and generous people. I truly believe it remains a land of opportunity for those willing to work hard to pursue their dreams. Above all, I love America for her diverse landscapes, people and mentalities. I know some of my readers are Russian immigrants, now living in the States. Maybe you wish to share why you came to America and why you chose to stay.

I'll celebrate by playing hostess for a big celebration in my apartment, where family and friends will gather. We'll cook burgers and hot dogs on the grill, hang out at the pool, and end the evening on my balcony watching the grand display of fireworks over the Washington Monument and Capitol.

Maybe someday I'll journey to another country that will capture my heart in the way my homeland has. Until then, I'll continue to happily live here, in the nation I love. In the nation where a Mexican-American child can stand on the floor of a major televised sporting event in a mariachi outfit and sing the National Anthem to millions of viewers. Did some racists object to this? Absolutely. However, most Americans embraced him. He represents everything great about my country.  I suggest you Google his name, Sebastien De La Cruz, and read his story and response to the criticism. A remarkable kid!

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I hope some of you will have the opportunity to be in the States one summer during the celebration. I think you would enjoy the festivities and atmosphere very much. For those celebrating in America and abroad, I wish you a fun and happy Fourth!

america, who am i?

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