Annoying Things That Didn't Happen Today While I Napped

Nov 07, 2009 20:45

1. Horse!Sam did not shampoo himself for his show tomorrow. 
2. Badass!2014!Dean did not miraculously materialize between my sheets.
3. Chapter Nine of The Lee failed to write more of itself.
4. The Dragons' lair did not tidy itself, nor did the dish fairy visit. 
5. My laundry neglected to become spontaneously clean (including my hack gear for the ( Read more... )

things dragons is crap at, dilemmas which are not dilemmas, rl, dragons is made of fail, whoops

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Comments 22

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pdragon76 November 7 2009, 13:34:32 UTC
But does it go fast? If it goes fast, I'll take it.

*types madly, sips coffee*

I am determined to make SOMETHING productive happen before I go to bed. That is, something other than slapping a shitload of shampoo on an outraged horse and then squirting him frantically in the face with the hose before it got dark.



saberivojo November 7 2009, 14:10:56 UTC
Dragons, I am have had the same problem. Sort of. With me, it is bits and pieces of things that are getting done, but no real resolution to anything- which makes me run around like a chicken with my head caught off.

Sheets are in the washer, but I could not stand to leave the bed unmade cause the cats will scratch the bed so I put the comforter on sans sheets and it looks better but...there are no sheets. (I know, I could use different sheets but these are my favs)

Term paper done - check

Studying for huge quiz with shit I have a hard time doing - uncheck

clinical work done from last Monday - check

Understanding and studying for ungodly huge test the following week. - uncheck

Bathroom floor washed- bathroom rug filthy. Do you see a problem here?


pdragon76 November 7 2009, 14:15:54 UTC
Hey! I know! Why don't we put all our undone shit together in a pile and then just...go ride horses till everything goes away or becomes so ridiculously undone that it ceases to matter.

Yes. This is a plan. You in?


kimmer1227 November 7 2009, 14:19:05 UTC
Fuck it. I'ma make some coffee and sit down and do some damn writing

FTW! Take THAT life!


pdragon76 November 7 2009, 14:27:29 UTC

You has to has the one-handed pom-poms. My other hand is typing.



deangirl1 November 7 2009, 15:33:47 UTC
Badass2014!Dean is angry at the sleep fairies for you... Ooooo show tomorrow - *iz jealous* as my showy horse is now perpetually lame and lucky to canter every six months before going unridably lame again....
Napping is good. Cleaning is over-rated. Writing is best...Do you see the dirt when you run about flaily-armed? I don't...


pdragon76 November 8 2009, 11:11:50 UTC
OMFG, I think you jinxed Rocksalt Sam. *punches you* 5th in Breed, 2nd in Rider class, 4th in Hack 15.2+ and then the bastard pulled up sore. Right rein, he was working like melted butter, left rein like fossilized DOG TURDS. Couldn't get a left rein lead out of him to save his fucking life. Phhhhpppppbbbbbbttttt.

I had to scratch him. And now I can't ride him until I has got the Bowen lady out to see him.

*kisses another fifty bucks goodbye*


deangirl1 November 8 2009, 11:32:43 UTC
*iz mortified*
But I'm not surprised that my crappy karma is catching... Let me guess, lame on the left? Did he come up really, really lame? Suddenly? Like three legged, I will die if I put weight on the leg? If yes, I diagnose an abcess. Pretty common in the summer on hard ground. Please tell me it's not a result of his previous injury? See? I'm trying to at least save you the call fee... though I know you will have them anyway...
*iz sorry*
please imagine I am the one under Dean....


pdragon76 November 8 2009, 11:43:03 UTC
Nah, not lame technically. Just...sore. Totally lost all his bend and flexion and every time I asked for the canter transition, he did this massive heaving skip onto the wrong lead. Like he was just too stiff to get his shit together, and had to default to the off leg.

I took him into the sand arena after and tried a few spiraling circles to see if I could get him to throw a left lead, but he was not having it. General consensus from the sidelines was that he looks sore, but you can't really tell WHERE. I'm guessing back, or more likely shoulder, since he was working like an ANGEL on the right rein.

Man, and he was in a good mood today. No thoroughbred antics. He was trying his GUTS out. I'm freakin' livid we had to throw in the towel.

*kicks stuff*


jesseofthenorth November 7 2009, 18:35:15 UTC
Sucks to be you.
It's my first saturday off in 6 months, I'm still in my pjs at 10:30 local time, my kids are at their dads, my coffee maker is within reach of the worlds comfiest sofa where my over fed ass is currently parked. Imma take a nap now.
Wake me up when you got a new chappy up.
* flees for her life*


pdragon76 November 8 2009, 11:14:10 UTC
I would give chase and thump you, but honestly? Sounds like you're settling in for a rare, well-deserved day of rest. And who am I to screw with that?



jesseofthenorth November 9 2009, 01:49:56 UTC
Thanks for not hunting me down and killing me. This summer has been maybe my best in 20 years but it is Over and I AM TIRED. Plus the kids are back and they both have the flu. I guess thats what i get for gloating :(


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