Title: The Long Narrow Rope 2/2
pdragon76Rating: PG-13 (sailor-mouths, tornadoes, horny toads)
Genre: Gen
Characters: John, Dean, Sam
Spoilers: Pre-series, circa summer '97
Disclaimer: It’s Kripke’s world, we’re all just living in it. *snaps fingers, points*
Summary: It’s been said that roots and wings are the only two lasting bequests you
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Comments 151
Enjoyed, thank you!
Thanks for reading, dude. Much appreciated.
I know you rassled long and hard with this thing, but I think you can count it as a success. Beautifully done! Thank you as always for sharing your immense talents with us.
I'm thrilled, however, to hear that the end result pleases you so.
That makes all the gnashing and wailing of teeth this end seem worthwhile.
Thanks a bunch for stopping by and reading. :)
I loved it from beginning to end - I love John's exasperation and love, Dean's attitude and love, Sam's pissy-ness and love. It was a wild ride - thank you!!
Thanks also for reading this long-ass fic that refused to be a oneshot.
Well done getting through it, and I'm stoked to hear you enjoyed the ride. :D
This made me laugh out loud:
He marched her across the verandah to the main house through a buffeting, howling wind. When Nicholas opened the door, John let him have it. “My kid’s eighteen, Nicholas. Remember eighteen?”
Nicholas clearly did. He reached out and yanked Stacey into the foyer like that shit might be contagious.
I heard this from my husband so many times when our daughter (oldest child and only female *rolls eyes*) started (trying to) date. "Are you kidding me? He's a seventeen-year-old boy! I know what he's thinking!" *snorts*
And continuing with the thread of what I was saying in the first chapter:
She moved to Sam, and John did. He absolutely minded, because the way that woman bent beside his boys ripped anew something old and gaping across his ribs.Another good ( ... )
I think this is so important. Like, I think its easy to forget this about John, that he lost his entire way of life in that fire, not just his wife.
He lost the opportunity to be the kind of father he wanted to be/ imagined he would be. And that just sucks beyond the telling of it. It really does. *is so sorry for JDub's fictional ass*
And it's also such a thoroughly realistic look at life, because you think it's gonna be baseball gloves and tossed balls at the park, but what you get is your ass on the hood of your car in front of your smoldering house. Coupla screaming, traumatized kids on your hands.
Christ. I don't know how any of you poor bastards cope. *is in awe of parents everywhere*
Anyway. Thanks for reading, and taking the time to provide such thoughtful feedback. *smish*
I know that had I won this in an auction, I would be more than thrilled...
Germy little bugger.
Anyways. Thanks for reading, and I'm superglad to hear you enjoyed it.
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